Tuning mechanical properties of graphene with Stone-Thrower-Wales defects - A molecular dynamics study
G. Rajasekaran and Avinash Parashar Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee - 247667, India
Structural defects which are inevitable during the production, chemical and heat treatment processes can affect the mechanical properties of graphene and also defects can be deliberately introduced in graphene by ion beam irradiation to get required properties for specific applications. So, understanding the effect of defects on mechanical properties and failure behaviours of a graphene sheet is important for its applications. In this work, the effects of linear and angular orientation of different types of Stone-Thrower-Wales (STW-1 and STW-2) defects on the mechanical properties and failure behaviour of graphene membrane have been investigated in the frame of molecular dynamics. This work discussing about tuneable mechanical properties by amending the linear orientation of STW-1 and STW-2 defects at different angles in zigzag direction and armchair direction respectively. The results obtained from the present work may provide the insights in tailoring the mechanical properties by preparing defects in graphene, and give a full picture for the applications of graphene with defects in flexible electronics and nanodevices.
Keywords: Graphene, linear and angular orientation, fracture properties, Young’s
Flexible electronics overcome the brittle rigid character of the classic electronics. Due to flexible and thin nature of Flexible Electronics mechanical behavior of these elements play a key role to fulfill the electrical capacities, however the range of application of these devices are extremely abroad as well as the materials, moreover the flexibility of FHEs lead to various mechanical deformation modes. Therefore, the FHEs should be capable of withstanding deformation and maintain the electrical performances at the same time. To evaluate the durability of these devices under different loading configuration a good estimation of the failure criteria should be obtained. Interfacial failure in hybrid flexible structures are the most common and critical failures in flexible Electronics. Owing to different in materials and layer thicknesses, generally the interfacial fractures occurred under Mixed-mode conditions (Many Ref.). Substantial researches have been conducted to measure the Mixed mode fracture parameters. Beside the experimental parts, numerical models have been implemented to analyze the correlation between the Mixed mode and interfacial fracture toughness. The first model based on Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) which explained the interface crack of dissimilar materials was first established in 1959 (9). The model was improved in 1968 by Dudurs and bogy who described the surface
Initial cracks were observed at top and bottom part of the sample where the maximum stress occurred. Through observation, there is no significant lateral expansion on the grout samples. The noticeable deformation surface failure is obviously shown on tested grout. The sample displayed split inclined crack at the top of the sample. The neat epoxy grout also exhibits sudden rupture as compared to graphene-based epoxy grout.
These edge regions are where the oxygen functional groups are located. Previous studies have shown that carbon surfaces are made up of graphene layer surfaces and oxygen containing functional groups on the edges9. The most common oxygen functional groups on the carbon surface are lactone, carboxyl, phenol/quinine, carbonyl and ether groups25. Furthermore, quinine functional groups are considered responsible for the activated carbon reactivity along with lactones that participate in redox reactions. The carboxyl groups are responsible for adsorption of heavy metal ions such as silver by participating in ion exchange
One Smooth Stone is a forward thinking, forward-leaning, time critical, customer oriented company. Their business model caters to the specific needs in function, by event planning and social media marketing for their clientele’s specific needs. One Smooth Stone’s manning structure is different than most companies, due to the fact is it is horizontal rather than the more traditional vertical corporate structure. Eliminating departments and divisions, the horizontal structure allows fewer steps in decision-making processes and focuses specific subject matter experts in creating real-time solutions. This company structure lends itself well in that; it stream lines decisions not only with the customer need but also, in getting results from
Graphene synthesis usually utilise a method called exfoliation, which is defined as taking the outermost layer of graphite. There are three major types of exfoliation: chemical, mechanical, and thermal. The paper mainly focuses on chemical and mechanical exfoliation for graphene synthesis, which are the methods with highest number of experiments done.
Graphite is a form of carbon which is an element. In graphite, the carbon atoms are joined together and arranged in layers. The links between the carbon atoms in the layer are strong, but the links between the layers are weak. The layers easily slip over each other. That's why graphite in a pencil is soft and you can see a mark when you write with it on paper.
Graphene is a form of carbon which has recently been receiving a great deal of attention. Some have come to call it “the wonder material” due to its many extraordinary properties. Although isolated in 2004, graphene's properties had been calculated decades earlier. It consists of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. A single sheet of graphene is stronger than steel and yet remains very flexible, retaining all of its properties despite being bent and unbent multiple times. It is able to sustain extremely high electric current densities, is impermeable to all gasses, has a thermal conductivity double that of diamond and a very high electron mobility at room temperature. It is also easily chemically functionalized,
Topic: Does Porter’s ‘Diamond’ concept convincingly explain the achievements of major national business systems, or are their weaknesses, theoretically and empirically, in his arguments?
Stone cutter, king in the shirt the lesson are for king of the shirt is to be happy what you have and not what u don't have.The first story teaches us that you should behalf what you have and you don't have cause not everything will not always make you happy. You don't everything to be happy.The next story is the stone cutter the lesson is to be yourself and don't try to be some else. The lesson in both story's is that be happy to be
The Cauchy stress principle is one of the main hypotheses in mechanics of solids. The study of linear and nonlinear wave processes is very important. Elastic waves are high-performance instrument to research strained and deformed state of solids an also to study their structure and properties. Elastic waves can propagate deeply inside the material without disturbing the material state. The elasto-dynamic problem is a challenging predicament to the modern material scientists. In the last twenty years the concept of structural deformation levels obtained the recognition in physics of solids and especially in the science of materials [Panin (1995)]. According to which the concept, each point of a solid body is a complex system of interacting structures of lower level. In the present work elastodynamic problem of in elastic solids and the finite deformation in such materials are studied analytically and investigated the process of wave propagation in the solid.
Structural defects are inevitable in graphene due to its production techniques as well as chemical and heat treatment processes. These defects in graphene are introduced either during the production process or deliberately by us to tailor its properties. In this article, the effect of nearest neighbour distance and angular orientation between Stone-Thrower-Wales defects (STW-2) on the mechanical properties and failure morphology of graphene was investigated in the frame of molecular dynamics. Mechanical properties and failure morphology of graphene was predicted to be the function of angular orientation between STW-2 defects, when the nearest neighbour distance was in the range of 10 Å. Graphene sheet containing pair of STW-2 defects had shown an overall increase of 8% and 11% in fracture strength and strain respectively as compared to graphene with single STW-2 defect. This study also characterised the failure morphology of graphene sheet with single and pair of STW-2 defects in the armchair direction.
The second underlying scattering mode (G-), responsible for the asymmetry, also exhibits a much more significant decrease in width of ~35% G-G (G) from ~20cm-1 to~13cm-1 as we go from the suspended graphene to where the graphene sits on the cavity waveguide structure. Asymmetry in the graphene Raman G-peak has previously been attributed to highly localised charge inhomogeneity within the laser probe area [26], i.e. on the sub-micron scale and it has also already been observed when comparing Raman spectra of suspended graphene with that supported by a substrate [22]. Recent studies of graphene supported by nanostructured surfaces [27] have also revealed a multi-peak fine-structure in the G-band, which was interpreted as being the result of extreme curvature or ‘wrinkling’, similar to what is observed in single wall carbon nanotubes. In this case, the doubly degenerate in-plane E2g optical mode can be split between phonons along the nanotube axis, and those that are perpendicular to it, with the degree of splitting, being a strong function of the nanotube size (i.e. degree of curvature), even in the absence of any externally applied strain [28]. G-peak splitting has also been observed in graphene under uniaxial strain [5] and in isolated Carbon nanotube’s under hydrostatic pressure [29] where the curvature-sensitive lower
Due to outstanding mechanical, thermal and electronic properties, graphene is receiving increased attention by the scientific community. Exceptional properties of graphene are owing to its hexagonal monolayer of honeycomb lattice packed with carbon atoms. The mechanical properties of graphene have been extensively
Diamond-like carbon (DLC), exhibits a number of properties similar to diamond. DLC is a family of amorphous carbon materials, existing in seven different forms that contain sp2 and sp3 hybridised carbon atoms. Sp2 refers to the graphite bonding structure, whilst sp3 refers to a diamond bonding structure. Graphite and diamond have very similar structures, but the bonding type differentiates them. By altering the ratio of sp2 to sp3 bonding and hydrogen content, different mechanical properties in DLC films are observed. Figure 6.26 shows a phase diagram illustrating different DLC coating structures and their bonding type. More sp2 bonding gives rise to films of lower hardness and abrasion resistance, but improved tribological properties. Films containing a higher proportion of sp3 bonding and less hydrogen have a tetrahedral structure similar tantamount to diamond, exhibiting high surface toughness but reduced ductility.56 The relative proportion of the two bonding types is highly dependent on the deposition method and processing parameters.57 Values of Young’s modulus have above 900GPa have been obtained.58 Nuclear magnetic resolution (NMR) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) are common techniques to characterise the hybridization of DLC films.59
Graphene is a groundbreaking material to only have just hit the market and is beginning to see wider use. It’s been cited as a miracle material that will bring great change to living conditions