5.3.2. Raman line scan mapping
Spatial line scans of the graphene Raman G and 2D modes were made across the middle of the micro-ring resonators for both 10μm and 20μm radius devices. The spectra were taken using 100X objective lens, and the spatial measurements were obtained with a step size of 0.1μm long a horizontal.
Typical Raman spectra at ON, and OFF of the waveguide are shown in Fig. 5.3 for G peak and Fig 5.4 for 2D peak position, respectively. These clearly reveal the up-shift in peak frequency where the graphene sits on the underlying silicon waveguide structure. The 2D-peak is well described by a by a symmetric Lorentzian function, a signature of single layer graphene [8]. Rather we found that the fit to the 2D peak was
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The second underlying scattering mode (G-), responsible for the asymmetry, also exhibits a much more significant decrease in width of ~35% G-G (G) from ~20cm-1 to~13cm-1 as we go from the suspended graphene to where the graphene sits on the cavity waveguide structure. Asymmetry in the graphene Raman G-peak has previously been attributed to highly localised charge inhomogeneity within the laser probe area [26], i.e. on the sub-micron scale and it has also already been observed when comparing Raman spectra of suspended graphene with that supported by a substrate [22]. Recent studies of graphene supported by nanostructured surfaces [27] have also revealed a multi-peak fine-structure in the G-band, which was interpreted as being the result of extreme curvature or ‘wrinkling’, similar to what is observed in single wall carbon nanotubes. In this case, the doubly degenerate in-plane E2g optical mode can be split between phonons along the nanotube axis, and those that are perpendicular to it, with the degree of splitting, being a strong function of the nanotube size (i.e. degree of curvature), even in the absence of any externally applied strain [28]. G-peak splitting has also been observed in graphene under uniaxial strain [5] and in isolated Carbon nanotube’s under hydrostatic pressure [29] where the curvature-sensitive lower
It is currently used to manufacturer sporting goods and electronic components. Scientists tout graphene as the next silicon. The material is one million times thinner than paper and harder than diamonds, while conducting 200 times more electricity than silicon – a tremendous implication for the electronics industry. These advances come at a hefty price, but researchers at Caltech have discovered an improved manufacturing process for the material. Once researchers refine this process, manufacturers may also use the material for goods such as solar power and surface
Thus, it is reasonable to expect more layers of graphene on nickel and less layers graphene on copper.
These edge regions are where the oxygen functional groups are located. Previous studies have shown that carbon surfaces are made up of graphene layer surfaces and oxygen containing functional groups on the edges9. The most common oxygen functional groups on the carbon surface are lactone, carboxyl, phenol/quinine, carbonyl and ether groups25. Furthermore, quinine functional groups are considered responsible for the activated carbon reactivity along with lactones that participate in redox reactions. The carboxyl groups are responsible for adsorption of heavy metal ions such as silver by participating in ion exchange
Each carbon atom is covalently bonded (sp2 hybridized) to three other carbon atoms in a hexagonal array, leaving one free electron per each carbon atom. Each hexagon in the graphene sheet exhibits two pi-electrons, which are delocalized allowing for the efficient conduction of electricity. A single layer of graphite is called grapheme. This material displays extraordinary electrical, thermal and physical properties. Graphene is technically a non-metal but is often referred to as a quasi-metal due to its properties being like that of a semiconducting material and allowing it to display high electron mobility at room temperature.
Graphene synthesis usually utilise a method called exfoliation, which is defined as taking the outermost layer of graphite. There are three major types of exfoliation: chemical, mechanical, and thermal. The paper mainly focuses on chemical and mechanical exfoliation for graphene synthesis, which are the methods with highest number of experiments done.
What is graphene? According to Merriam-Webster, graphene is defined as “an extremely electrical conductive form of elemental carbon that is composed of a single flat sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a repeating hexagonal lattice
Graphite is a form of carbon which is an element. In graphite, the carbon atoms are joined together and arranged in layers. The links between the carbon atoms in the layer are strong, but the links between the layers are weak. The layers easily slip over each other. That's why graphite in a pencil is soft and you can see a mark when you write with it on paper.
The Buckminster Fullerene was first discovered in 1985 by scientists Harold Kroto, Rickard Smalley and Robert Curl. (1) They were able to discover that when Graphite is vaporized by a laser, a variety of large Carbon cluster compounds were formed, the C60 compound or Buckminster Fullerene, being the most abundant. (1) The other Fullerenes found were C28 C32, C44 and C78. The C60 compound was named after Buckminster Fuller, as he was responsible for the creation of many geodesic domes, which resemble
Chemically modified graphene, or CMG, is graphene with other elements attached to its lattice. Such elements are often metals or a form of silicon, and serve to affect some property of the graphene and make it
This IR spectrum sets forts wave numbers in the X-axis and the transmittance at the Y-axis. This spectrum elucidates the gap in the wavenumbers of the absorptions in the transmittance in addition to the wavelengths of the infrared light. As you can see the peak at 2300 to 2400 in the IR spectrum indicates the relation of the carbon double bonded oxygen.
We investigate and experimentally demonstrate the elastic wave filtering properties of graded undulated lattices. Square reticulates composed of curved beams are characterized by graded mechanical properties which result from the spatial modulation of the curvature parameter. Among such properties, the progressive formation of frequency bandgaps leads to strong wave attenuation over a broad frequency range. The experimental investigation of wave transmission and the detection of full wavefields effectively illustrate this behavior. Transmission measurements are conducted using a scanning laser Doppler vibrometer, while a dedicated digital image correlation procedure is implemented to capture in-plane wave motion at selected frequencies.
Optics and Optoelectronics Laboratory, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266100, China
The advantages of the NEGF formalism and the underlying powerful machinery of the MBPT inspired us to develop the formal NEGF theory of photoemission further with our work [E3]. We elucidated the connection of the formal concepts of the FPA to the standard MBPT, allowing for a practical implementation of the theory. The main advances were achieved by the extension of the theoretical description of DPE, which we advocate as a very useful sensor for the many facets of correlations in many-body systems. The effective electron-electron interaction in more complex systems comprises, besides the Coulomb repulsion, fluctuation-mediated effects due to the dynamical environment. As an important example, we focused on dynamical screening mediated by charge-density fluctuations. We have chosen the buckminster fullerene as a concrete system for its pronounced plasmon resonances and generally rich physics. In our work [E4] we rigorously categorised the collective modes, based on full-fledged ab initio calculations, with the help of the NMF. The obtained model for DD response function – whose accuracy is corroborated by comparing to EELS data – was then employed to characterise the dynamically screened interaction in the C60 molecule. With these tools at hand, we were able to elucidate the role of electronic correlations mediated by the density oscillations in DPE in our joint theoretical and experimental work [E5]. The distinct feature of the experiment – the significant narrowing of the coincidence spectrum – is in agreement with our ab initio description and so endorses the plasmon-assisted DPE due to as a novel aspect of releasing two correlated electrons from complex
May et al. [32] have meticulously studied the behavior of bands in doped diamond coatings. The band at 1220 cm−1 is less evident for nanocrystalline diamond films than those with faceted morphology. This behavior may be attributed to the actual boron absorption into the lattice. Most of the boron exists at sites that do not contribute to the continuum of electronic states. Such sites should contain interstitials or non-diamond carbon impurities at the film grain boundaries. A second aspect is connected to
* Lim Peng Chew, Lim Ching Chai, Nexus Bestari Physics, Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd. , 2013, Pg 18,19