
Graphene's Extraordinary Properties

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Graphene is a form of carbon which has recently been receiving a great deal of attention. Some have come to call it “the wonder material” due to its many extraordinary properties. Although isolated in 2004, graphene's properties had been calculated decades earlier. It consists of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. A single sheet of graphene is stronger than steel and yet remains very flexible, retaining all of its properties despite being bent and unbent multiple times. It is able to sustain extremely high electric current densities, is impermeable to all gasses, has a thermal conductivity double that of diamond and a very high electron mobility at room temperature. It is also easily chemically functionalized, …show more content…

As the name implies, it is graphite which has been oxidized, the most common method being Hummers' method. Graphene oxide is exfoliated graphite oxide. From there, graphene oxide can be reduced, making reduced graphene oxide, or r-GO. r-GO is most commonly referred to as graphene, and it is the subject of most studies done on graphene. It is the most similar to pristine graphene, and its only difference from pristine graphene is that it sill has some oxygens and hydrogens left over from the graphite oxide. Despite these defects, pristine graphene's and r-GO's properties are still very similar. (Dreyer et al. 2010) Epitaxial graphene is another common type. Epitaxial materials consist of a crystalline substance on top of another crystalline substrate. The most common form of epitaxial graphene is a single layer of graphene over a substrate of single-crystal silicon carbide. Silicon carbide itself has a high electrical properties and is currently used in many electronics. Combining it with graphene increases its electrical properties. Diagram of graphene epitaxial on silicon carbide(SiC). Black represents graphene atoms, white represents silicon carbide. (adapted from Dreyer 2010) Chemically modified graphene, or CMG, is graphene with other elements attached to its lattice. Such elements are often metals or a form of silicon, and serve to affect some property of the graphene and make it

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