
Time Management In Social Work

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Social workers, like all workers, fall into harmful patterns and habits that waste too much time in a day. Wasting their time with distractions, having an abundance of caseloads, and being on call for emergency cases are all factors that can cause them to lose track of their time. This is where time management becomes important. The way a social worker manages their time not only affects their job, but it also could result in children being in harmful circumstances for a longer period. Time management in the workplace can be achieved in a proper way to ensure that everything gets done in the correct amount of time. “One drawback is that social workers are generally assigned very large caseloads, and it can be difficult to meet the needs of all of your clients” (5 Time Management Tips, n.d.). I believe helping children and families overcome obstacles is the focus for becoming a social worker, and time management is something that must be done to help each family that is a part of your caseload. Also, figuring out what sidetracks you and prevents you from doing your tasks in a timely manner will help you eliminate those things and perform better. One last thing that can help you manage your time is realizing you simply have too much work, simply ask for help if this occurs. What is time management? According to Laura Stack, time management is traditionally considered a management strictness, but you cannot perform an improved job at it by extending how much time you have.

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