
Time Management Techniques

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Abstract There are innumerable things that can complicate the time that people have. Family, work, and school are the leading bandits. By using a few easy steps, overcoming the roadblocks will seem effortless and it will be very beneficial in your life. Time Management Techniques Time management techniques are essential to living your life more efficiently. Many people spend their days in a frenzy of activity but achieve very little because they are not concentrating on the right things. By using time management skills, you can learn to determine which of the things you do are important, which can be dropped, use your time in the most effective way possible, break down the roadblocks that waste it, and increase the effectiveness. Time …show more content…

There are many roadblocks to successful time management. Three of the biggest time squeezers are family, work, and school. Managing all these things actually begins with prioritizing. You must first focus on getting organized. You can make your life a lot easier by defining where and when everything is. As a result, you will avoid becoming overwhelmed. Managing your family takes a lot of work and a sensitive nature. You will have to deal with mood swings, behavior, and just a general attitude. You also need to know your real priorities. If you have a special time or a special event that you always attend with your family, make that a priority. Let them know that they are special to you. Talk to them and let them know that you may not be able to be there all the time, but that you will try to be there when it really counts. Camille Wright Miller of the Roanoke Times offers a simple suggestion, "Act as if your priorities are, in fact, priorities. When you're against deadlines, let others know it. Manage phone and personal interactions by letting the individuals know you're on a deadline and have limited time." (2001, p. A7) Work is the one of the biggest places where time management is essential. You may have to juggle many projects and people at the same time. Your first goal should be to set a realistic timeline for each project. Identify the key elements involved such as: *How the others will be involved *How long will they need to complete each task *What

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