As teachers, it is our job to watch the growth and progress of the students in our care. This means that we must record, interpret, and sometimes explain certain behaviors and situations associated with academics to all concerned parties. It is somewhat of a taxing task; you are worried that you might be too concerned with a certain isssue, and neglecting to address other areas that you feel are of a great importance. There is a cycle that aids in the relaying of collected observations, relaying information to educational partners of a family, and the parents themselves. This is known as the "Observation Cycle," and it is a critical skill that, with practice, becomes a teacher's best friend. In the Observation Cycle, there are a certain set of steps that make it effiecient and help it to remain an ever-evolving process. The steps are easy to follow, but do require a good amount of organization and knowledge; they are observe, record/document, analyze, modify, and finally, start over! This is the exact order in which the Observation Cycle takes place. …show more content…
The child usually is not aware that they are being watched; this helps make the process natural. Documenting is merely writing the findings in an objective and professional manner. When analyzing, the teacher reviews the information that's been collected, and makes choices and plans next steps based on that information. In modifying, the teacher takes the newly-acquired knowledge and puts it to use in the classroom in developmentally-appropriate activities and lessons. When all of these steps have been completed, teachers do it all over again to continue the process of creating lessons and monitoring progress of the little ones in their care to enable them to
This is just some of them. Teachers will learn much that is applicable about the general characteristics of children at particular ages, stages and grade levels; but are effective with each child, additional information is needed. Each child comes to the classroom with a history-year of reactions, experiences, and characteristics styles of behaving that are unique. Teachers who blind effective communication with families are less likely to be frustrated while working with the many unknowns in children and are more likely to meet realistic goals for each child and support each family in reaching their own particular goals. When teachers are open to learning from families there is much knowledge about the particular aspects of living with children that can be learned. Because it is the children that bring families and teachers together, the benefits for children alone should be motivation enough to work to create effective partnerships. (Chapter 9: Informal Communication with Families)
Many teachers are faced with the difficult task of managing their student’s behavior. Even if we
* Observe and record certain elements of the pupil’s academic work therefore taking some pressure off the teacher having to complete all observations themselves.
Education theory can either be descriptive like the sciences or normative like in philosophy. Education theory postulates what education processes are supposed to consist of; it sets the standards, norms, and goals in carrying out an education process. The scientific education theory gives a set of hypotheses, which have to be experimented and verified. The two approaches have produced two broad categories of education theories, which are the functionalist’s theory of education
For this assignment, I had to develop one new idea for involving families and their student’s progress. My cooperating teacher mentioned to me that she would either email or call her students’ parents. She said that she would contact parents through email to let them know when their student is doing well in class and she would call parents when she has a problem or issue. My cooperating teacher recently had to call two parents because the two students were disrupting the class and always talking when they are supposed to be paying attention or doing independent work. My cooperating teacher said that both of the parents responded to her well and they said that they would talk to their child about the talking and disrupting the class. After contacting the parents, my cooperating teacher said that she noticed a change in one of the students, but the other student still continued to talk and disrupt the class.
The observation tool provided monitors and records a variety of developmental milestones. These observations are used later as a reference to better plan the curriculum for the class. Accurately collecting this information includes an honest, unbiased record of behaviors, regular updates, and a review by other staff members trained in the observation
Observations and assessments can help the teacher plan activities that take into account the individual needs of the children. They also show how a child is developing. In my setting the teacher uses observations when planning and we complete narrative observations on a daily basis.
Next, we talk about the relationships with the teacher and the parents. Ms. McDermott uses class Dojo to communicate with the parents. The parents like communicating this way, so they always have access to their child’s academics via using their cellphone. There is also a classroom website that the parents and students have access
The clinical supervision model for conducting observations has been used in the education field for decades. Clinical supervision involves a teacher receiving information from an administrator, colleague, peer coach, or mentor, who has observed the teacher's performance and who serves as both a mirror and a sounding board to aid the teacher in critical examination of a specific aspect of their instruction and possibly alter his or her own professional practice. Clinical supervision is an instruction improving tool in which a high degree of mutual trust and commitment to growth is required on the part of the teacher and observer. The structure of a clinical observation cycle includes
In order to study human development and perform naturalistic observation I went to the mall. I selected a 9-year-old white girl as the subject for my observation. I observed the subject for 30 minutes. During my observation the subject was not interrupted and was not aware of my study.
When educators in a childcare centre can examine their written documentation on each child, they are able to realize which methods and programs are a success and the ones that need improvement. Through this, the centre can offer the best possible programs and teaching methods to fit their children's needs and circumstances. Without proper record keeping, the centre would have no way to re-examine its actions.
Anecdotal, observations are not viewed by another party i.e. a parent or another pupil you add what you have been informed of into the child’s files it can help to keep development records up to date can help you to learn about children in different situation s
It is important to observe the child carefully, closely and to listen to them in different situations to ensure that the teacher is clear about what their needs are, their strengths and difficulties. It is important to observe the
Observation is something that educators do carefully to gain information about young children. Documentation is the process of collecting evidence that serves as a record. When teachers observe the young children, it provides the information that the teachers need to build relationships with individual children and enable them to be successful learners. The best way the teachers should learn about children by carefully watching them, listening to them and studying their work. When the teachers are watching and listening to children helps us understand what they are feeling, learning and thinking. Observation is an excellent way to track children’s
The key to understanding children is observation. As observers, we begin to look for daily patterns in their behavior. Once patterns of behavior are recognized, the observer can then give positive guidance in securing the child’s developmental needs.