
The Negative Effects Of Foster Care

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For many years, foster care has been a difficult subject throughout our society. When the idea of foster care comes to mind, many immediately think of screaming children, distressed parenting and uphill battles. Before foster care existed in the United States, orphaned children were sent to orphanages. While these institutions were often the best option available to children with nowhere else to go, they often lacked the necessary staff, structure and resources to adequately care for all of the children in need. As a result, some orphanages were overcrowded, and children lived in poor conditions. Some children even died due to the lack of sufficient care (Adoptions, 2017). In order to give children better living situations, the United …show more content…

Problem behavior in the foster children was assessed using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), which measures the domains of behavior problems and social competence in children. The results of this questionnaire were calculated into three scores: an Internalizing score, an Externalizing score, and a Total Problem score. The results of the study showed that there was a negative correlation with positive parenting and problem behavior. When foster mothers showed their foster children positive parenting styles, such as involvement with the child, there were less signs of problem behavior observed in the foster child. On the other hand, factors such as discipline, harsh punishment, and negative control were positive correlated. If foster mothers showed an increase in these factors in their parenting, there were more signs of problem behavior observed in the foster child. In using negative parenting strategies, this breaks the positive relationship wth the foster child, thus increasing problem behavior. Because of the age groups of the children in the study, these findings may be applicable towards both children in foster care as well as those children who are not in foster care. Even with these strengths, there are limitations to this study. The design is the first limitation. The longitudinal design of this study, as well as the modest radius of the subject pool, made for this to be

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