
Foster Care Essay

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Reforms Needed in the Foster Care System The numbers of children in foster care continue to increase annually with minimal attempts to intercept the causes of the escalation. Children are generally placed into foster care as a result of parental abuse or neglect; however, there are many racial inconsistencies circulating general foster care involvement. In the year of 2014, the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System reported a total of 415,129 children in the foster care system. Depending on their situation, children in the system are in need of some sort of home, whether that be temporary or permanent. When experiencing this type of shift in their lives, many children tend to act out. Foster care in the United States is a …show more content…

In the United States, children of color are generally more likely to be in poverty than white children (Patten & Krogstad, 2015). While there is a distinction in respect to finances, children of color face higher rates of placement in the foster care system, more time spent in foster care, and child welfare decisions based on their race, all aspects which, if analyzed jointly, do not have much to do with the poverty gap at all.
Neil Sherman, a former attorney general in Flagstaff, Arizona who worked in the Department of Child Safety (DCS) for two years, agreed with the general consensus: children of color do have a harder time in the system as well as a harder time getting adopted. Sherman stated that from his perspective, the reasoning behind this is the higher number of reports coming in from people in the lives of these children of color as there are more people, per say, who see them and report or suspect abuse compared to white children,. The role the DCS plays in the mechanics of the system is removing children when they are in evident danger and placing them into the system. “The foster care system and model is inherently flawed and we want to fix it; some parts are good, some are bad, some folks take kids in only for extra cash, some really want to help other families,” Sherman said. There aren’t nearly enough foster families out there for children in general, and the amount that are available can vary …show more content…

Maximizing the accessibility of foster care sectors would allow for substantial attention to more foster care children, leading to better mental health in an average foster care child. Furthermore, local institutions could be allowed more flexibility in terms of federal funding usage, which could result in a more centralized focus on providing the best outcomes for children involved in foster care. Changes in current policies, such as the aforementioned ASFA, would additionally aid in lessening the unclarity in cases and allow for a greater focus on the well-being of children. Removing children from unfit environments must be done at a faster rate and within maximum reasoning. Children are the future, and we need to attempt to help the future be the best it can

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