
A Speech On Foster Care System

Decent Essays

Title: Foster Kids and the System

Specific Speech Purpose: To inform my audience about the nature, problems, and proposed solution of the Foster Care System. INTRODUCTION: The Foster Care System with the kids who are in it is a massive social issue that America is facing today. There are more than 640,000 foster children in the United States every year. There are 23,000 foster children living in group homes at one time. There are 32,000 who live in institutions, and twenty-seven states do not meet federal abuse and neglect standards. (Attention) Personally, I am a foster sister, because my family currently fosters. Therefore, we see the issues and needs of fostering, daily. (Rapport and Credibility) This speech will discuss the importance of the nature of foster care, the catastrophic problems of foster care, and the proposed solution for the foster care system in America. (Preview)

TRANSITION: This speech will first be discussing what the foster system is.

BODY: Organizational pattern used is topical.

I. The nature of foster care is important in America. A. Foster care is defined as a bridge. 1. “Planned, goal directed service that provides 24-hour a day substitute temporary care and supportive services in a home environment for the child… who resides in Oklahoma and is in Oklahoma Department of Human Services custody.” (OKDHS definition) 2. “Bridge from the horrible experience until the child is able to go back to their home

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