
The Challenges Of A Sharie Lawyer

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The Challenges of Sharie Lawyers In reality, in every field of works there are challenges that need to be face by every person in particular fields. Similar thing happen to the Sharie lawyer as there are many challenges throughout their journey. The challenges of the shari’e lawyer will be discussed further below. The challenges of sharie lawyer can be seen before the admission and after been admitted as a lawyer. Firstly, in order to be admitted as a syarie lawyer, there are many procedures that need to be followed. One of them is a need to sit for Interview or Written Examination. It surely will cause difficulties to those who interested to become a Sharie Lawyer. In some states such a Negeri Sembilan and Penang, the person has to undergo chambering for several period mentioned, then has to sit for either oral interview, or written examination or even both. Thus, chambering period do not guaranteed the person to pass the interview and then become syarie lawyer. As compared to pupillage student to be admitted as advocates & solicitor, after undergo 9 month period of chambering they can be admitted as an advocate and solicitor in the High Court of Malaya or High Court of Sabah and Sarawak. It clearly shows that the chambering process can guaranteed them to be an Advocates & Solicitor and they do not have to sit for interview or examination. …show more content…

This is due to the admission requirements which allow advocates and solicitor to practice as sharie lawyer. From here we can see that the position of sharie lawyer may be threatened by the existence of advocates and solicitors in the shariah

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