RUNNING HEAD: THE STREET LAWYER The Street Lawyer Social Work 3040-01I Apr. 30, 2008 SUMMARY John Grisham’s The Street Lawyer tells the story of Michael Brock a married wealthy attorney who has it all. Michael, a graduate of Yale University, works at Drake & Sweeny, one of the top and well respected firms in Washington D.C. While there he is making the money and rushing relentlessly to the top of Drake & Sweeny. He is only one step away from an early partnership. Until one rainy winter afternoon at Drake & Sweeny. An angry homeless man who only wants to be called “Mister” holds Michael and eight other lawyers hostage in an office at Drake & Sweeny. “Mister” demands the tax records be brought to him. After the tax records …show more content…
ELUDICATION John Grisham’s characters Michael Brock and Mordecia Green worked not only as attorneys for the homeless but also as social workers too. Throughout The Street Lawyer Michael and Mordecia counseled each individual to gain a knowledge of what their lives were before they became homeless and why they have become homeless. Most lawyers would not take the time find out if whether or not their client had a place to sleep or food to eat the night before. Many lawyers would not offer their services free of charge. Michael and Mordecia worked as lawyers as well as social workers. Each day Michael and Mordecia traveled to a local homeless shelter to interview potential clients and help them with whatever they needed. Most of their clients were generally homeless people or individuals who were laid off from their job recently. The two helped these individuals fill out government forms, obtain job applications, and sometimes a rehab center for those who were addicted to drugs and alcohol. At times some clients could not be helped but Michael and Mordecia provided their counseling service as a means of help. Some individuals only needed some to talk to about what was going on in their life at that time. He wants his readers to see the similarities between social workers and attorneys. His examples with Michael and Mordecia with their clients express key elements in the career of a social worker. EVALUATION/CONCLUSION The Street Lawyer by John Grisham
From a young age, Walker had a taste for extravagance, and an eye for cultural arts. As a student, Jimmy never excelled, or did exceptionally well. His father, wanting him to follow in his footsteps, wanted him to study law but Jimmy had other ideas in mind. He had a strong passion for the arts, music and composition to be exact. His dream was to perform on Broadway, but that dream was short-lived after he failed to do so, and was sent to school to study law per his father’s request. Jimmy’s father, an immigrant, started out as a carpenter and died an assemblyman. Throughout every triumph and hardship Walker faced, he never neglected to remember the fact that his father, too, thrived on the “American dream”. His story inspired him to launch the campaign, “among his own”. The sole purpose of this campaign was to remind the public that he was just like them because his father, whom he idolized, also fled from poverty and despair. Jimmy had his own political tactics in order to gain respect from the public. It seemed as though he treated the citizens of New York more like an audience, and his politics like a charade. He did whatever he could to please the crowd, whether it was politically ethical or not. He was very flamboyant, and was perceived as a womanizing alcoholic. His actions closely allude to Jay Gatsby’s, in the Great Gatsby. The
In a world that cares little for the wellbeing of each individual, it is impossible to survive out in the open. Wealth protect some from society’s demands while others seek refuge in family bonds. The main difference between the Author and the Other Wes Moore is the bubble that they matured in. For the Author, his mother’s love and hard work afforded him an expensive bubble of physical isolation and a regimented lifestyle. For the Other Wes, the sanctuary was of his own making; one of honor bound by ties of drug money and blood.The defining moments for each Wes Moore are when their bubbles are created and when they become a prison.
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” is about a lawyer, the narrator, who prides himself in taking in employees who have quirky traits. At the beginning of the story, he employees three men, Turkey, Nippers, and Gingernut, are the names they are known as. Turkey is an older man who drinks heavily during his lunch break, Nippers is younger but described by the narrator as overly ambitious, and Gingernut, is a young boy who runs errands for the office. Turkey and Nippers are scriveners, and the man named Bartleby is hired as a third Scrivener. Bartleby is liked by the lawyer because he is very sedate and respectful. These scrivener’s run copies, and proofread documents for the lawyer, essentially, they do very mundane work daily, in a repetitive fashion. Bartleby begins rejecting his responsibilities at work, stating, “I would prefer not to.” The lawyer gives him a few days and tries again, with the same response, which he responded by trying to persuade his employee to do his work through reasonable reasons. Continuingly he refuses, and the narrator, is forced to slowly accept there is nothing he can do to help Bartleby. The lawyer begins taking him in as his responsibility, giving him multiple chances to do his job, and even accepts him living there, but when enough is enough he gives him six days to leave the office. At the end of his six days, the lawyer gives him his wages plus some extra cash to find somewhere to live. Eventually, his moral character won’t allow him to kick Bartleby out, to the point he picks up his business and moves. Still, Bartleby will not leave the prior office space. He hardly speaks, if he does it is to state something along the lines of, “I’d prefer not…” and he just sort of stares blankly with no
The movie Michael Clayton is a legal drama starring George Clooney, as “Michael Clayton” a high priced “fixer” for Kenner, Bach & Ledeen, a New York law firm. As the firm’s fixer he is the one who they call to clean up legal messes for the firm’s wealthiest clients like hit & run accidents and shoplifting charges.
With a master 's level education in social work, I see myself envisioning clients’ health and well-being. As a student, I will study and practice techniques, beyond a generalist perspective, that will allow me to give clients hope and the ability to see something greater than what they are facing. Upon completion of a Master of Social Work direct practice degree and certificates in gerontology and mental health programs, I intend to become a licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I will competently incorporate specialized skills in different professional settings while developing my knowledge of a wide range of social issues and professional standards. With commitment, I wish to develop skills that will enable me to create or find hidden resources and services for my future clients, create platforms through counselling for victims of trauma.
I have yet to encounter a social worker who entered the profession for acclaim or prestige. It is a demanding career with long hours and ceaseless paperwork. Social workers are frequently overburdened in addition to being underpaid. Occasionally, they witness agonizing tragedy, fundamentally changing them. Having worked in social services for a number of years, I have had these experiences.
Interview paper with a Counselor (Rebecca Alexander), and a Social Worker (Mina McVeigh). This interview is for Mrs. Scott’s online class.
Social Work is a career that you can make a significant impact on people’s lives. Social work is a spectacular career choice. However, working in this profession as a social work it can and will be challenges that will occur. A social worker enhances the welfare of communities, individuals and societies. Furthermore, social work aims to aid social change, development, cohesion, and empowerment. I had the pleasure of interviewing Latosha McIntyre about her work duties as a social worker with Day Spring Behavior Health Service. Day Spring Behavior Health Service is a non-profit- organization that offers a variety of behavioral health services to individuals and families. This paper will enclose Latosha McIntyre job activities, professional
Social Work is a career defined as “work carried out by trained personal with the aim of alleviating the conditions of those in need of help or welfare”. Social work varies in several fields, social workers work as part of multi-disciplinary teams with child welfare organizations, adoption and foster care agencies, hospitals, schools, prisons, mental health institutions, and more. Social work may leave the impression that it’s an easy field because it is assumed that all social workers do is serve others and manage paperwork but that is only a small chunk of the job. Social workers must deal with the ethical and emotional aspect of helping others. As a social worker, it is critical to comply with the National Association of Social Workers
On September 21, 2015, I met with Ms. Katie, a student in the MSW program at NCSU, to conduct an interview. We met at Starbucks in Cary, in the crossroads shopping center. Ms. Katie’s responses helped me learn and think about social workers in the child welfare social field. As a prospective social worker, my questions were formed based thoughts that I was concerned about my responsibilities in the social work field..
This essay will identify key issues facing the client system and will demonstrate an intervention plan. Followed by defining the purpose of social work and the identification of the AASW Code of Ethics, in regards to the case study. Lastly, key bodies of knowledge will be identified and applied to the case study.
For this assignment, I decided to interview my aunt because she has been a social worker for about thirty years, and has a lot of experience. She attended Dominican college in Orangeburg, New York where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She then went to graduate school at Montclair State in New Jersey where she received her master’s in psychology. After this, she decided to go back to school for her MSW, which she received from SUNY Albany. Since she graduated, the only profession she has worked in is social work, and she is now a licensed clinical social worker. She loves what she does and is glad that she made the decision to become a social worker.
I have often exaggerated the workplace and lifestyle of a social worker. After meeting with a fellow social worker, I am now able to understand their busy lifestyle. A social worker has to consider the struggles clients have experienced and hear their narratives. At the same time, these social workers need to keep their life in order in a professional and healthy way. A social worker I had the chance to meet, has endured four years of training at Thompson Rivers University: he received a bachelor degree off social work with a child welfare specialization, and two practicums, as well as regular training introduced by the government; that broadened his understanding on domestic violence, child welfare, and interview training. He stated six particular duties: provide child safety, child welfare, family care, community development, assisting individuals and being a go-to person to fellow clients (personal communication, January 27, 2016).
For this reflective journal, I have decided to draw parallels between approaches to social work that I have learned in my placement, and what I have learned during my academic career at Carleton University. Placement thus far, has been an eye-opening and rich experience, which has taught me about the profession that I aspire to be a part of. I am a third year student, and much of my time spent at Carleton, has been studying theories, and becoming exposed to different schools of thought. Theories are incredibly beneficial, to teach and inform the practice of the next generation of social workers. However, placement has provided me with the opportunity to apply theoretical ideals, to real life social work practice.
In completing this essay an opportunity was given to visit a social service agency to interview a social worker. The interview will focus on the educational background of the social worker, job duties, training, funding, organization structure, target population, recommended opportunities for growth, and the correlation between social work and course work.