As an aspiring lawyer, I did an interview with another lawyer who worked in my hometown of Wilmington, Ohio at a place called Rose & Dobyns. This particular lawyer happens to be life long friends with my uncle so setting up the interview was rather easy. I also set up a ride-along with the West side of Dayton 's police force but I would not be able to write the paper in time. However, I will be able to compare and contrast the different sides of the law and will enjoy the opportunity to be able to see what I am getting into in the future. After making it to Rose & Dobyns, I told the receptionist that I was there to see Blaise Underwood and she told me to take a seat. I took a seat and observed the office, noticing that there was a copy of the constitution on the wall, as well as fake plants, a toy set for kids and some nice comfortable seats. I was soon greeted by a tall, bearded man who was not wearing a suit and tie as expected. I shook his hand, entered his office and began the interview quickly. He told me that he originally wanted to be in the FBI or DEA when he graduated from the University of Cincinnati. In his opinion, you can only get to that level of Law enforcement by having a law degree or many years of police work under your belt. He clearly did not have years of police work, so he decided to major in criminal justice then pursue a J.D. at the University of Dayton. He, however, did not make through the FBI’s very selective application and process and
Avoiding the pitfalls of the unauthorized practice of law, also known as UPL, is one of the most important duties that all legal professionals or aspiring law students should learn and integrate into their law career, in order to maintain impeccable ethics and conduct at all times. Clear rules and regulations must be followed in regards to the unauthorized practice of law. Thus, in order to avoid the unauthorized practice of law, one must first know what it is by definition and how it pertains to their best practices and due diligence. Furthermore, the violations of one’s failure to comply with the rules and regulations for UPL, may be costly in more ways than one.
I interviewed Durward “Durk” Lynch he is in my field of interest where I want to work as one day. He is a Nurse Practitioner at the Vanden Bosh Clinic and at the College Clinic. He gave information on his background and what drove him to be a Nurse Practitioner (NP). He really has had a lot of experience, as I will explain to you what he has shared.
I interviewed my office’s law enforcement fellow Special Agent Alice Jessica Campbell of the DEA. She is originally from Galveston, TX. Due to her extensive background in boarder security she was attached to our office to provide insight into drug and border policy. She splits time between DC and El Paso. She stared her career in the Houston office before transferring to the El Paso division where she work mainly on Mexican drug trafficking, heroine specifically. She just began her attachment to out office in January and is assisting us with current homeland security budget and bill relating to drugs, heroin in particular, and boarder security. In Houston and El Paso she worked quite frequently with ICE, ATF, and the FBI in particular. Now that she is here in D.C. she spend a great deal of time with the other Law Enforcement Liaisons and congressional delegations. She graduated from Baylor University with a Criminal Justice degree. Throughout her schooling she knew that she wanted to join a federal law enforcement agency but wasn’t sure until she got an internship with the DEA. That internship solidified the agency she really wanted to join. She was hired post 9/11 so the agencies relationship with homeland security was already in full swing. But she cited 9/11 as a major factor in her decision to follow a federal law enforcement track instead of her original plan to become a lawyer. Her job relates very much with Homeland Security as Mexican drug cartel have been found to
Criticisms of lawyers are the topic in Richard A. Wasserstrom's article "Lawyers as Professionals: Some Moral Issues." Wasserstrom broke this topic into two main areas of discussion. The first suggests that lawyers operate with essentially no regard for any negative impact of their efforts on the world at large. Analysis of the relationship that exists between the lawyer and their client was the second topic of discussion. "Here the charge is that it is the lawyer-client relationship which is morally objectionable because it is a relationship which the lawyer dominates and in which the lawyer typically, and perhaps inevitably, treats the client in both an
I interviewed Doug Brassington who worked for the San Diego Sheriff’s department for 23 years. He worked his way up to the rank of detective and also worked as a school resource officer. He enjoyed working as a school resource officer the most because he was helping students. He also told me his insights about the criminal justice system.
Being located in the Federal building I have received tours of the court rooms and have had the opportunity to meet the judges and their staff. I feel I have been given a great lenses to observe the interworking of the courthouse and how cases progress through the criminal justice system. In working with the agents in particular, I have been able to see the different ways a federal case can be assembled within the guidelines and can lead to a federal
When preparing for an interview, a great deal of thought and consideration needs to be completed before the interview even begins. The person conducting the interview needs to think about where the interview is going to take place, the time of which it will occur at, and what kind of technology will be used. They need to review the file and consider who is being interviewed, what the person has experienced, and how they may be affected. Interviewing someone is a crucial part of policing, and ultimately helps police solve crimes. When it is done properly, it can be very successful, but if it is not done properly, it could ultimately end an investigation. Therefore, an interview can either be successful or not, and here are some points displaying the success and improvements that can be done in interviews.
Severance works somewhat differently in federal criminal trials because this case involves the indictment of more than one defendant Jones, Walsh and Bert. In Bert 's situation, his defense attorney will provide an argument that a joint trail might be unfair against Bert or reaching a decision on the rape charges against him. The Severance is not automatic because the Federal rule 14 allows judges broad discretion in deciding whether to grant a severance to Bert. To be successful, Bert’s defense will to fill a motion for his severance which must show the concerns for Bert 's right to a fair trial outweigh the goals of the joinder. One of the most successful grounds for seeking severance for Bert arises when Bert wishes not to testify on all, some or any of the charges in the trail but chooses to claim his Fifth Amendment privilege on one or more charges. The separating by court order, such as separate trials for Bert, Jones, and Walsh who are charged with the same crime, or trying the negligence aspect of the rape charge or any other charge before the trail. Such division of issues in the trail is sometimes called "bifurcation." ("Burton 's Legal Thesaurus," 4E. (2007).
To be an FBI agent I also have to have a driver’s license, be a U.S citizen, and have at least 3 years of work experience. I only have one of those things checked off, a U.S citizen. I don’t know about the other two, but I can hard to achieve these goals. My job outlook is not the best in the future, but things can change. Anything is possible. Now I know all the requirements to be an FBI agent. All I have to do is work,work,work. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s ok. I have a lot of years ahead until I can become an FBI
After college, I plan to become a law enforcement officer, most likely with the Delaware State Police. I believe that working in law enforcement is an excellent way to help my community and interact with people in a positive way, while improving others’ lives. Especially in light of the fact that the criminal justice system has been under fire in recent years, I am hopeful that as an officer, I can help to show the world that the police are still there to help the community, rather than to hurt it. In preparation for a career in law enforcement, I am involved in the Explorers program with the Delaware State Police, which is an organization for high school students to become familiar with and learn about a career path of interest. After gaining some law enforcement experience, I am also considering applying to a federal agency, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Secret
that many may not be able to pay with cash and may have to take up a
My research was done through the observation of criminal court. I was there to observe interaction between the judge, attorneys and defendants, and criminal court felt like the best place to do so. The local court that I attended handled the pre-trial matters such as arraignments and preliminary hearings. I stayed for all of the proceedings for the day to maximize my observation. I wanted to get a feel for everything the court does on a given day. I was eager to see how interactions between people in real court differs from what you see on TV.
The career I have chosen is to become a lawyer, in either a private practice or firm, or for the government. The definition of a lawyer is an advocate or advisor in society, that is as an advocate, to represent one of the opposing parties in a criminal or civil trial, and as an advisor to counsel clients as to their legal rights and suggest courses of action. But that is not all a lawyer is about. Being a lawyer takes hard work, dedication, and many years in school.
I often wish that I could spend more time on campus than at work, however, like
Today, more than ever before, the legal profession offers a unique opportunities to dedicated individual to make a significant contribution to the society. This post is aimed at help you evaluate law as a career. It should give you a clear understanding of what to expect in your educational path to a law degree and the very significant financial expenses associated with obtaining a law degree.