
The Role of Paralegals in the Legal System Essay

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Justice. It is something that everyone wants, something that we strive for, even something that sparks. However, when we think of lawyers, we think of superheroes with an expensive education, walking into the courtroom and serving up justice. What no one thinks of is the person that helped the lawyer get there, the paralegal that prepares the necessary documents, the paralegal that makes sure his or her attorney is at the right place at the right time. A paralegal is crucial and in some cases vital to our justice system yet they are so often over looked. To understand what a paralegal does we must first understand what the job of a lawyer entails. Black’s Law Dictionary defines a lawyer as “a person learned in the law; as an attorney, …show more content…

The next couple of hours were a whirlwind of this attorney going over the countless motions and discoveries that were in this relatively thick file. With such short notice there was something that was vital to him “winning” this hearing, it was the criminal paralegal a couple of offices over. If it were not for her meticulousness then the hearing would have been a disaster. I interviewed a couple of the paralegals at the Summit Law Firm and one of them was Ana Lopez, the Criminal Case Manager, during the interview she emphasized the attention to detail that is needed to be a great paralegal. Depending on where and in what field of the law one works in the number of cases that one handles can vary drastically. At the Summit Law Firm the number of caseload is growing and with that comes the chance that something falls in between the cracks. When a doctor performs surgery and leaves a scalpel or a sponge inside the patient chances are there is going to be a medical malpractice lawsuit, although uncommon legal malpractice suits do exist. Sally Greer the Civil Case Manager for the Firm told me about the deadlines that cannot be missed in civil cases like Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, and Social Security. In a legal malpractice suit the client has to show that the attorney was negligent and the lack of strategy on the attorney’s part caused the harm to the client. All of this boils down to a couple of vital attributes to a great

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