
Spank My Child Research Paper

Decent Essays

Parents should not spank children regardless of their age or what they have done. Most parents I have seen do not verbally say “I spank my child” but it does occur more than what is seen. It is not an everyday occurrence for me to see a child being spanked in public. However it does occur more frequently in bathrooms or behind closed doors. I am willing to bet it happens a lot more than meets the eye. When I do see spankings in public it makes me uncomfortable. Even though it is an arrestable offence to hit a child a certain way, parents still do it.
This paper discusses the morals and ethics every human has. “The term ethics refers generally to the study of whatever is right and good for humans” (Robertson, Crittenden, and Brady, 328). The term morals are used when a person is trying to describe their moral belief in an ethical dilemma. The ethical dilemma in this paper is spanking a child to discipline them. Spanking a young or older child can have an significant impact that could be detrimental to them. There are many peer-reviewed papers on why parents should not spank. There are also a couple arguments that are for corporal punishment, which includes spanking. …show more content…

Those dilemmas force people to make difficult decisions. People have morals at least everyone should have morals and use those morals to develop their ethical beliefs. Many things like culture can determine a person’s reaction to an ethical issue. The ethical issue discussed is spanking. Spanking is an ethics issue that is looked at differently all throughout the world. Different cultures have different beliefs and everyone grows up differently. This has to do with sociology and the sub category under sociology which is social norms. The disciplines discussed are sociology/social norms, law, and

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