
Why Is Spanking Wrong

Decent Essays

To spank or not to spank has been a question for parents for many years. Some believe that spanking is the only way that children will learn to be obedient. They believe in the motto “spare the rod, spoil the child”, meaning if parents do not physically discipline, the child is spoiled and lacks manners. Others, however, believe that exerting physical harm on a child for discipline does not make sense. They believe that there is always a better way to teach children right from wrong. Spanking is not an effective form of discipline and can lead to improper behavior.
When a child is acting up, a parent can either teach the child what they did wrong and make it a learning experience, or react harshly to the behavior of the child and as a result, …show more content…

There has to be an alternative option so the child will learn, not fear.
Editors remarked that in, “Spanking Your Children: Good or Bad”, the CED studied how spanking may be effective short term, but there may be consequences later in life. The more children are spanked, the less they are likely to be mannerly, and well- behaved in the future. They continued on by stating, “Spanking does not teach children why their behavior was wrong or what they should do instead; it teaches children that the only reason to behave appropriately is to avoid being punished.” (2017). This research has proven that there is not only a physical negative reaction, but a mental one too. CNN mentions that for decades experts have stated that spanking is not effective because it teaches a child to be scared of his parents and to not respect them (O'Callaghan, 2011). In fact it is dangerous because hitting can injure a child and teach him or her it is okay to hit someone if they disappoint them. Imagine a grown adult spanking another adult. This would be considered an assault, and is not acceptable in our society. Therefore, it is not okay for an adult to hit a child in our day and

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