
Should Students Take High-Tech Classes

Decent Essays

Schools that offer technical tracks for students have a higher percentage of graduating students than those who do not. Forcing students to take college prep classes rather than applicable classes such as technical including; automotive technology, health professional, home education, business and marketing classes. Students deserve the fair advantage to choose between entering the job force, or going to college. As important that jobs are, and education is, it is important for students and government officials to work together and address this issue and improve the educational system.
Recent academic success in high schools have been based upon GPA and scores on standardized tests, but students are not given enough opportunities to learn the technical skills needed for a job. In the January KQED Learning article Wunderlich states, “Academic preparation alone is not enough to ensure postsecondary readiness but it is clear that it is an essential part of college and career--readiness, meaning that a high school graduate has the knowledge and …show more content…

Young students entering today’s society and workforce feel that if they do not have to show up for a class maybe they do not have to show up to work. Although vocational schools have been looked down upon in the past, today’s society is becoming more accepting of CTE opportunities. The U.S News and World Report newscast states, “More than a million students in the U.S. will graduate from high school this year and go on to college, but a large percentage of them will never earn a degree” (Bidwell). The article focuses on the obstacles young adolescents face when deciding on whether to get a secondary education by going to college, or to go straight into the job force. Thus focusing on the struggles young adults face, emotionally, physically, and

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