
Reflection Paper On Self Assessment

Decent Essays

The results of my self assessment were pretty accurate to what I know about myself. I have strong intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. I maintain strong relationships with others and think deeply about my life choices, goals, and ambitions. The only score that I thought would be higher was my musical score. I can play a musical instrument and I enjoy listening to music, but I don’t like to sing or play for others. Thinking back to my childhood, I was a linguistic learner. I followed directions well, if someone modeled how to do something, I could follow it and explain it back. I liked talking with someone personally to understand different concepts. The older I got, I was able to adapt to how my teachers’ taught. I had one teacher who loved using bodily-kinesthetic activities, I had other teachers who loved to sing and use logical-mathematical thinking. If I didn’t adjust to their styles of teaching, I wouldn’t have been successful in their class. I believe learning patterns can be altered because my learning pattern was altered. I’ve learned many different things from teachers who have different teaching styles. Teaching is an art and all teachers should use different teaching styles. Having a wide variety of teachers with different teaching styles made me a well rounded learner.
I prepare students for learning by drawing on background knowledge, making students excited about our upcoming topic, and having group discussions. For example, my 5th grade class is reading Wonder by R.J Palacio. Before we began reading, we spent time discussing kindness, differences, bullying, watched book trailers for the upcoming movie, discussed what it means to be a good friend, and how people overcome adversity in their life. In our current unit, we are listening to the audiobook for Wonder, we use the whiteboard to project the reciprocal teaching template, and students lead discussions by asking and answering questions with each other. I manage the environment for learning by modeling appropriate questions and responses. I also go over expectations for working in groups. I co-teach with a special education teacher who helps me address the diverse needs in my classroom. She and I work together to help target students who

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