The results of my self assessment were pretty accurate to what I know about myself. I have strong intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. I maintain strong relationships with others and think deeply about my life choices, goals, and ambitions. The only score that I thought would be higher was my musical score. I can play a musical instrument and I enjoy listening to music, but I don’t like to sing or play for others. Thinking back to my childhood, I was a linguistic learner. I followed directions well, if someone modeled how to do something, I could follow it and explain it back. I liked talking with someone personally to understand different concepts. The older I got, I was able to adapt to how my teachers’ taught. I had one teacher who loved using bodily-kinesthetic activities, I had other teachers who loved to sing and use logical-mathematical thinking. If I didn’t adjust to their styles of teaching, I wouldn’t have been successful in their class. I believe learning patterns can be altered because my learning pattern was altered. I’ve learned many different things from teachers who have different teaching styles. Teaching is an art and all teachers should use different teaching styles. Having a wide variety of teachers with different teaching styles made me a well rounded learner.
I prepare students for learning by drawing on background knowledge, making students excited about our upcoming topic, and having group discussions. For example, my 5th grade class is reading Wonder by R.J Palacio. Before we began reading, we spent time discussing kindness, differences, bullying, watched book trailers for the upcoming movie, discussed what it means to be a good friend, and how people overcome adversity in their life. In our current unit, we are listening to the audiobook for Wonder, we use the whiteboard to project the reciprocal teaching template, and students lead discussions by asking and answering questions with each other. I manage the environment for learning by modeling appropriate questions and responses. I also go over expectations for working in groups. I co-teach with a special education teacher who helps me address the diverse needs in my classroom. She and I work together to help target students who
To verify the first indicator, a survey will be used. Surveys can gather large amounts of data, and can be administered through mail, e-mail, or face-to-face. As this survey is in the process of being developed, it is essential that the survey undergoes testing to ensure the survey is measuring what it needs to measure. A method that will be utilised will be a survey with a rating scale used as the tool to measure service user satisfaction. The Likert scale is commonly used to measure a person’s attitudes or behaviours, using answer choice that ranges from one end to another (Kuma-Tan et al. 2007, p. 550) (appendix 1). A Likert scale survey can identify the different levels of the service user’s opinions about the staff’s cultural competence (Mellor & Moore 2014, p. 369). The survey will indicate the service user’s satisfaction, identify if further training is required, and improvements.
There were three areas in which I had the highest scores. The assessment area I had the highest score in was #1. Accepting Personal Responsibility. I believe I scored highest here, because as a child I was forced to grow up fast to help deal with situations at home. From a young age I was treated as an adult. I was taught to read at the age of three and a half to help teach my brother who is five years older than I, he was academically and emotionally slow. At the same time my father was in the military and he believed, when he came home on leave, in teaching us “The Army Values” listed below.
When creating a self-assessment for Student N, I wanted to generate a self-assessment that would be clear, simple, and provide beneficial information for myself and the student. The goal of my self-assessment was to involve the student in identifying their own thoughts and feelings towards reading, discover areas of strength and improvement, and encourage self-reflection of their learning. The student was asked to circle thumbs-up (always), thumbs-middle (sometimes), and thumbs-down (not yet). I prefer using the term “not yet” because it shifts the attitude as a work in progress versus a failure. After allowing the student to complete the self-assessment privately, I was able to sit down with them, take notes, and have a mini-conference to dive deeper into their responses.
This paper discusses the results of the self-assessment test that I recently took. In this paper, a look is given to some of the and most significant lessons that I learned about myself, pertaining to my personality, my skills in working with others and life within an organization. Following this, I discuss some of the biggest lessons that I learned about organizational behavior and my own personality traits. Finally, time is spent reacting to the article The Gospel and Personal Reflection and some of the ways that God has helped me to turn weaknesses into strengths.
Self-assessments can be beneficial, as they allow one to better understand how they communicate and how they form relationships. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Johari Window, and the pillow method are examples of these evaluations. In this paper, I will use these three self-assessments to illustrate the ways in which I communicate and interact with people.
b) I had an RTC Score of 2.94, which means that I have average rating when it comes to resistance-to-change. I scored the following in each area: Routine Seeking- 2.20, Emotional Reaction- 4.00, Short-term Focus- 2.50, and Cognitive Rigidity 3.25.
Starting your own special events business is risky, and you need to be clear on
While reviewing the results of all of my self-assessment, the management areas where I would need to improve is to learn to be more team-oriented and to place my trust in the actions of others. As I reflect these self-assessments back at my life with the new insights in the exercise conducted, I’ve considered becoming more attentive to the needs of others by either expressing my emotions more often and taking other people consideration and ideas respectably. I hope to improve the areas to gain a better key relationship with others in the future.
Every one has their subjects that they love and hate, and for it was defiantly writing. Writing is something I dreaded for a long time; I developed my hatred towards writing since probably elementary school. I hate writing when I’m expected to put a spin on a subject that just doesn’t work for me, personally. There are many times when I have papers due and sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say towards the topic. I could write a paragraph but to continuously write paragraphs after paragraphs it gets a little harder. I always contradict myself in my writings but that is something I have grown out of. Writing is time consuming and requires a lot of effort. They require a lot of planning and usually some accompanying reading and note taking. Taking notes is one of my weaknesses. In some intuitions like my high school for instances there was not enough time is given to the rough draft and not enough feedback is given before the essay receives a final grade. I personally believe that not everyone is a "natural-born" writer; but I do believe that everyone has the capability to become a decent writer.
Every person has his or her own unique style of working. After reviewing all of the self-assessments, I believe I have a solid understanding of what it take to interact collaborate with my co-workers, I am able to establish good working relationships, resolve conflicts, and institute good leadership skills. Although, I have good enough skills to be effective, I need to continue learning to advance my skill sets. Just as every person is unique, every organization has its own unique style of working. The type of culture that controls the way employees work and behave in my office is very different from other organizations. By its nature, working for a staffing firm is all about adapting to the need of the client and candidate. As a recruiter
In this self-evaluation my greatest strengths are I prefer to use a computer to take notes, listening to soft relaxing music while studying, and I learn by doing something. On the other hand, my areas that need improvement are rewriting my class notes and review them before completing an assignment, studying for a test several days before the actual test date, and studying right before bedtime. What I have learned from this assessment is that I need to put more effort into rewriting my class notes. I understand repetition helps improve speed and confidence in which we learn. I know that for a fact because of the songs we hear over and over again to sing every word. I will try the repetition method of my notes to the beat of some soothing
Conducting a self-assessment has proven beneficial in my search for jobs as well as my overall quest to grow as a person. Much like the previous set of assessments, the six new assessments allowed me to further understand how I interact with people as well as my outlook on ethics. When grouped together, the assessments provided and overview of my probable interactions with others. Results indicated that people view me as a trustworthy person, who is very attentive and dependable. In terms of engaging in conflict, I am more likely to try to solve the problem in a way that brings out collaborative and accommodating comprises; however, I am also a person to avoid conflict altogether. I feel as though these skills are very important given the ability
On behalf of my mother, KathleenTarburton, I would like to provide a family member statement regarding her previous downgraded assessment to her Personal Independence Payment.
did not fare as well as I expected on my portfolio. I enjoyed this class immensely too, including my professor, Dr. Susan DeLuke. I learned a great deal during the course as well as after the course from Dr. DeLuke, with the multiple homework assignments, and papers, and achieved very good grades under her guidance. However, applying it to the portfolio was challenging. It was a great deal to absorb, retain and get accurate in a short amount of time and I have a tendency to let tasks likes these overwhelm me. I know I could have performed better on my portfolio now. I went from an A in this class to a C+ because of my final portfolio. I thought I did well on it, and I did not. It was very disappointing results for both the student and Professor
I am now approaching the conclusion of my college career and starting to adjust to work life. This is a period of self-reflection and an attempt to put everything I learned into perspective. During this period of my life, I have been constantly thinking and contemplating my future. I feel very anxious yet nervous during this time while I am adjusting to this new stage of my life. When I was in High school my life was very structured, because I could be very dependent on peoples help and I obviously still lived with my family. When I went to college, I had to break away from that feeling of dependency and start the adjusting to adulthood. In college there was more responsibility and I started to become more independent. This was a crucial step in my life but choosing a career is going to be an even bigger step. It is a bigger step because; I have to start structuring my career goals and family goal for the future. At this moment all I can think about is my career, and how I can I keep improving myself for work life.