
Reflection Paper On Academic Integrity

Good Essays

Prior to completing the Academic Integrity Program, I thought academic integrity was as simple “not cheating.” I considered it a policy solely implemented to ensure that students learned the material. To me, cheating was mostly plagiarism, or trying to pass off someone else’s work as your own. It was not until I completed the program that I began to understand the long-term effects of cheating on the peers, the professor, and the institution. Now, I understand that cheating affects not just me, but also the other students in my courses and the university’s reputation. I also understand the reasoning behind the university’s strict policies regarding academic integrity violations, as they are in place to protect the student, the classmates, …show more content…

I have also learned how to focus in on what exactly I have questions on, instead of not understanding where to even begin looking for issues and becoming overwhelmed. These practices have yielded success and project completion, and I will continue to do assignments in this fashion in my future Computer Science courses.
There were some behaviors defined in the program that I was surprised to find academically dishonest. This is mostly because some of these behaviors had never occurred to me. This includes all the lab-related behaviors, such as dry lab data, trimming data, cooking data, ecology tampering, and carelessness. Dry lab data is reporting data for samples that have not been analyzed. Trimming data is cutting out the outliers from data that would “skew” your analyses, while cooking data is creating fabricated, new data to fit your analyses. Ecology tampering is intentionally changing environments between experimental groups to yield the results that you want. Carelessness is not paying close attention to something – calculations, lab procedures, etc. – and inadvertently reporting inaccurate results. All the behaviors described are academically dishonest because students have the same responsibilities as professionally-trained scientists since they are now within the same realm of science. Reporting inaccurate lab/research data can

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