Going to BCC was honestly my last option, I was that girl that wanted to get out and go somewhere and meet new people. After finishing my first semester I could say I learned everything I needed to know and more from the classes I took. The most important thing I learned from attending BCC was how to be a successful student. Being a successful student means that you go above and beyond what they ask for. It means don 't procrastinate on all your homework, hand everything on time and maybe even early, don 't be late to your classes, and always come prepared. There are three major steps to being a successful student and they are time management, studying, and test taking. Being a successful student is key especially if you want to succeed. Time Management is a big role in being successful and having enough time to complete your work. During time management there are two major factors that will come in and interfere you from getting your work done; they are procrastination and distractions. Every student starts off by being a procrastinator but according to Steel “of those people who procrastinate on a regular basis, 95 percent want to change their behavior.”(page 32). There are many down sides to doing all your work last minute like pulling all nighters, giving teachers bad work, and/or not doing it. Some strategies for beating procrastination are; writing in a agenda and having all your homework wrote down and when its due, put your phone away from you so you can just
These chronic and systematic harms place a heavy burden financially, logistically, and psychologically. With these three components you will first start managing your time by making a list of your daily schedule followed by responsibility for your assignments and matters. Any decision to leave all of your assignments for another time closer to the deadline will only help to accumulate work that you will end up not having enough time to do. Time is a very important resource in life, so you have to manage very wisely.
Procrastination and slacking off on school work are unproductive habits that many people have, and for me, it occurs on a daily basis. For projects or studying, I am known to procrastinate. I keep telling myself “I have so much time to do it, it’s not due until next week.” Towards the end of middle school, I have turned in all my projects, essays, and papers on time, but it was done at the last minute, and it was most likely not done to the
I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to school projects and writing assignments but I found it helpful to make a to-do list for the week and each day to help stay on track. I also like to break down my large assignments into smaller ones, small accomplishments make the larger projects easier to achieve. Otherwise, I over complicate my assignments by thinking too much about it and not doing enough. I tend to time waste by checking my phone and social media accounts. For my last time management tip, it’s important to work when you are free from distraction unless you are with a study group. I find study groups to be
Managing time wisely is significant in both school and work. It is necessary to set goals and prioritize. Managing your energy is also important because not even the best plans will work if there is no energy to do them. As you can plan to do your homework after a busy day. However, you might be too tired to concentrate and complete your work. To manage your time you need to first get to know your daily schedule. To do so you can use a table that represents your energy level throughout the day, then making a routine based on when you have the most energy as well as you
I know that college will be difficult for me because of time management, lack of support, and the challenging classes. I am a mother of seven children, and six grandchildren whom I have devoted my life to for many years. Now it is time for me to shine. Managing time is very hard for me because it takes up most of the day. I have to car pool my daughter to basketball games, and take my son back and forth to work. My husband also demands my attention and help, because he is older now and cannot do a lot of things on his own. He comes home from work at night and expects dinner to magically appear on the table and house work to automatically be done. Finally once everything is done, it is then eight already and I still have to get the things left that I need to do before school like finish homework, study for tests, and then have myself in bed before eleven. In order to become a successful college student I will have to overcome my challenges. I would like to finish college and major in nursing which is my number 1 goal in life.
Have you ever had an essay due in three weeks and thought to yourself, “I’ve got time. I’ll just do it later”? Does staying up studying for an exam until 3 am in the morning sound familiar? How about running to class because you were working on a project until the very last second? If any of these unfortunate situations sound relatively familiar, you have endured the horrendous event of procrastination at some point of your jam-packed life. The one secret that nobody is enforcing on your young life is the extreme power of time management. In Chapter 5, the topics we address are as follows:
As a student in college I am here to find my future career and build who I am as a person. I have a lot of goals in life and I expect a lot out of myself. I started reading the New York Times article, how to Live Wisely. It surprisingly related a lot to my own life. This article made me consider if I am actually doing what I love. As I answered what my goals are, I kept in the back of my head what I want my future to in store.
Make a plan for working on each assignment and avoid procrastination. Procrastination is one of the biggest challenges for any student. It is easy to put off an assignment until the last minute only to turn in work that is not to the best of your ability because you were rushed.
What kind of Characteristics do you think are required to become a “good” Student? That’s a question that many behaviorists have tried to answer, and according Dr. Maryellen Weimer these characteristics can be summed up into seven. These characteristics are applied to being a student with presumably means that it’s intended to apply towards all educational subjects. Out of seven there was one that stood out to me the most and that was “Good learners recognize that a lot of learning isn’t fun”. The reason why this one stood out to me the most is because of my own personal experience in my educational past.
What do think when you hear student success? Many people think different things. For example, student success could be a student having a good job in something they specialized on, and are living on their own without anybody's help. There are several different ways student succeed and ways to change schools in order for their students to succeed as well in this article. For instance, Anaheim High Schools can improve student success if we have longer school days, make the student be interested in school and on what they are learning, and having more after school programs that interest kids and will keep their minds off of bad things.
The skills that I possess will make me a successful college student by having faith and determination. Being confident makes me a successful student, because when I fail the first time it motivates me to be confident and give it a second chance. My communication skills help me better to negotiate and form long lasting relationships that can help built my career. One of my strongest abilities I possess to be a successful college student is my strong work ethic. I work hard, because my dream is to be successful one day. I can’t do that if I don’t have a strong work ethic. I know what I want and I’m going to get it. A skill that I have is perseverance. Life gets hard, I have gone through many obstacles in my life, but I just feel that giving
I am 32year old a mother of two children, a wife and a full time honors college student. Therefore, when I decided to return to college to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor in medicine, it happened to be a difficult decision that somehow affected my family since I would be devoting less time to them. Thereupon, it became challenging for me being a successful student, a mother and a wife, although it was not impossible. Therefore, I am working to overcome not a single event, but a condition since I will spend a few years more as a student. The vital factor in achieving my goals successfully consists on perseverance. In order to handle all my responsibilities in a successful manner I should maintain a confidant and calm conduct. For instance,
Time management is how to handle objectives within the time limit given. Just like a balanced diet, if there is an over excess of one thing it will lead to complications later. Actions such as watching too much television will put off schoolwork; while, overworking can lead to problems were family and friends are regarded. There needs to be a routine that checks off everything on your to-do list, including social and free time. On one hand, certain people have less difficulty managing their time. While on the other, there are people who must go through great lengths to achieve their goals. Daily Egyptian talks to Barb Elam, a stress management coordinator, about the issues college students face with time management. She states that reasons such as time management and procrastination are leading students to seek help for greater academic success. The solution to solve this varies from person to person. However, a start is as simple as keeping a daily schedule. The schedule should include everything such as; homework, meals, tv programs, work, class, exercise, volunteer work everything you would need to get done that day. Writing this down helps the brain
Time management is the key thing of successful. I am not good in managing time because I don’t organize my study time carefully and not use my time wisely during work. I always leave everything until the last minute, and sometimes I do unimportant things like playing games, surfing internet and watching movie, but actually I know there a lot of work to finish off. I get to the bottom of this crisis and try to systematize my study and set up my work. I make a schedule of revision, and I put a date where I need to complete the schoolwork. I also make a small target, for example, I want to understand the concept of heat transfer by the end of this week, and I have to achieve it no matter what. I
It is very important for me to say I absolutely enjoy music and learning about their different roots and where they each originate from. Initiating this course I can say I over estimated myself with how well my grades would be. As time passed, I realized it was going to a little harder than I thought because many of the topics covered were completely new information for me. There were some of which I consider my favorite and others that weren’t so appealing. However, in the process of obtaining the best grade possible in this course there were several of the traditional values that are published by Alvernia University that helped me transform as a person and accepted the fact that failure is not an option, but it does help people realize their strengths and weakness and how to use that in a positive way to improve in becoming a more excellent student.