I am 32year old a mother of two children, a wife and a full time honors college student. Therefore, when I decided to return to college to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor in medicine, it happened to be a difficult decision that somehow affected my family since I would be devoting less time to them. Thereupon, it became challenging for me being a successful student, a mother and a wife, although it was not impossible. Therefore, I am working to overcome not a single event, but a condition since I will spend a few years more as a student. The vital factor in achieving my goals successfully consists on perseverance. In order to handle all my responsibilities in a successful manner I should maintain a confidant and calm conduct. For instance,
Scenario 1: “Wow, that was an easy midterm. I guess I am too good for university… I’ll just party for the next few weeks and cram closer to exam time.” Scenario 2: “That midterm was awful. I guess this subject isn’t meant for me… there is no point in trying for the final exam. It will be a waste of time.”
As we enter college we enter a new phase of our life. College inspires you to think differently and opens up many doors of opportunities. So one should be ready to multi-task and balance and a myriad of new social opportunities and challenges Here we enlist 5 basic skills that every college going student:
There is one simple answer to what being successful in school truly means to me. To be successful, I would have to gain as much knowledge and skills that I can to be able to utilize it in my future endeavors. I want to be able to show my brains in a non-letter form. If I was to barely pass all of my classes but have obtained all of the intellect necessary, I would feel extremely proud of the four years spent in secondary education. No employer looks at the exact letter grades you held. They look for skill, determination, and brilliance. College is nothing like high school for the reason that in high school you can memorize numbers, phrases, or the answers, quickly take the test while
The whole educational and career planning process has been quite the challenge. One factor that I was completely sure of though, was that I wanted to be doing something important. Something that I personally felt like I would be remembered while also giving back to the community in which I live. With that in mind however, it not only takes one’s talents that are depended on but the experience needed when selecting a career path. Out of the many careers that one can select, I had to pick an admirable career where I would not only make a decent living for myself and my children, but also undertaking something that I would enjoy doing.
Freshman year, the year of many first; the first time living away from home, the first time being away from friends, the first time a student has control of their own learning. Freshman year requires a lot of discipline, but a lot of students do not possess this trait. The factors that contribute to the success of first year college students are social support, comfort within the college environment, self control,responsibiliy and positive self concept.
Reading over the Columbia College successful strategies article and the Rasmussen College 6 time management article, I have learned some helpful tips to get me through my college experiences. The two strategies that stood out the most from the Columbia College article was, how you need to break old routines and set homework hours for a time your child might be asleep. (Columbia) These two strategies caught my attention the most. I currently work on my assignments when my child is asleep. As for breaking old routines, it is so difficult for human begins to get out of old routines or accept change. I am hoping as time progresses I will be able to accomplish that with ease. As for the Rasmussen College article, one of the student's states his
In order to be successful in college, I know I will need to overcome several challenges. The first challenge is financial issues. After I quit my job, my family depends on one income from my husband. We are struggling since we have many bills to pay as a house payment, car payment, living costs and others. For example, I started college, I have to live on a saving budget so I can save money for my school fee. Another challenge is the TV and the Internet distractions. I have a bad habit of turning the TV on when I am at home, even I do not watch or while I am cleaning my house. I cannot pay full attention to studying with the noise and distraction in the background. This distracts me all the time with what they are playing on the TV. For example,
In order to become successful in college, I have taken advantage of the curriculum offered at my public high school by taking rigorous AP courses. I have also utilized an afterschool tutoring program where I am able to have a quiet place to do my homework and help from college tutors. I also use internet resources provided by the College Board and Khan Academy to study for important tests such as the SAT/ACT.
Success has multiple meanings for some students in college. If you ask them what success means to them, most of the time you will get the “money” answer. Personally, I think being successful in college is when you are able to apply what you learn in school into your daily life. You also cannot just be successful; you have to work hard to get to the point you defined as successful.
Achieving College Success has been a very positive journey for me. Prior to the course, I was mostly a positive thinker, and had overcome several things in my life. However, the class provided me with strategies useful in pushing forward in all life circumstances. Many negative thoughts run through my head, as is true for everyone else. It was important to know how to control them and use my negative experiences to better myself. I also learned how to set positive goals that will positively benefit me, and to set a deadline to achieve my goals. I feel much more organized and confident after taking this course. I feel like I can face anything and come out of it with a positive take away or goal, and building off every experience will always be a goal now. This class gives great advice for achieving success in all major life goals.
College can be very challenging and those challenges can start early on when you start to think about packing and preparing for the upcoming school year. We want to help you get rid of unnecessary stress and confusion so here’s a list of 10 essentials to make you a successful college student.
As a student in college I am here to find my future career and build who I am as a person. I have a lot of goals in life and I expect a lot out of myself. I started reading the New York Times article, how to Live Wisely. It surprisingly related a lot to my own life. This article made me consider if I am actually doing what I love. As I answered what my goals are, I kept in the back of my head what I want my future to in store.
I have learned a great deal from participating in sports at Anacortes High School. Determination, self discipline, character, accountability, leadership and perseverance are by far the most important things I have gained from my experiences. I believe I am a better person because my athletic career. I have learned how to be a strong, confident and an excellent leader on and off the court by participating in athletics. There is no doubt that I will take what I’ve learned through high school athletics and use it in the chapter of my life as a college student and future educator. I plan to go to school to become a Physical Education Teacher and later, an Athletic Director. I hope to inspire, encourage and support young students and athletes to
Though it is not easy to work and finish college at the same time, I decided to pursue my degree and finish it this time because I wanted to have a sense of security that will keep me in good position to support me and my family. Due to unforeseen circumstances couple of years ago, I had to deviate from my goal as an IT professional, I think now is a good time as any to finish my degree and achieve my goals. Also, I believe it will give me a sense of happiness of an achievement and encouragement to achieve something greater in life.
College is a very important part of your life because it is going to prepare you mentally and physically for your future. And it’s important to make yourself well known, some students take the identical basic approach to college as they used in high school, relying on the same strategies to manage their learning, activities, and social life. But college is an entirely different ballgame so to speak. (Jonathan pluckers) Collage is a bit of a paradox when it comes to being successful. We act as if success and failure are up to you and you alone. And they often are especially compared to high school, where students have teachers, counselors, coaches and family members among others to look after them.(Jonathan Pluckers) In collage at least initially those people who “have your back” often aren’t automatically present.(Jonathan Pluckers) But if your