
Persuasive Essay: Why Screentime Is Bad For People

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The Debate Over Screen Usage Screentime is bad for people. It can control almost everything we do, and make us disconnected from the real world. Studies show that you can be addicted to your phone, tablet, or computer. You can be so addicted you can be on it all day. It can take over your brain, and it is like if you are addicted to drugs such as cocaine. You can't stop, you buy more devices that have screens. By using screens a lot, you run the risk of having your identity stolen. You might be working on your online banking, then have been hacked! Now someone from across the country has your address access to your money. They have everything. Have you ever heard the phrase “screen time can rot your brain?” It is similar to the movie WALL-E. We are going to end up like the people in that movie; obese and talking to each other by facetime or skype. That is how we are going to turn out if we don’t stop using screens like we do now. …show more content…

We all know that’s wrong. They spend seven hours a day on electronics! that does not include school activities. You can't do your homework and watch TV. Most kids get obese or don't do any physical activities.if they are on an a screen for more than 2 hours a day they get obese. When little kids get obese at a young age it is hard to do normal stuff when they are older according to tunedinparents

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