
Persuasive Essay On Training A Dog

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Every animal has their own level of intelligence, take a rat for example, they are extremely intelligent and are capable of learning quickly. All throughout this paper, I will talk about what tools to use and how to train dogs, cats ferrets, rats, and even Monkeys. Most animals that we are able to have as a pet are trainable but not all. With training a dog, It can be easy as long as the trainer trains the trick correctly or in a way that the dog will understand. When they are pups, it is easy for them to learn the social skills they need from their mother or even their other siblings. It is the best way for them to learn as puppies (Fortney). When training, find a healthy treat to reward your dog with instead of something unhealthy and fattening. An example could be the food being fed to the animal, it is small and it will enjoy it. For equipment, it depends on what trick the dog is going to be learning. If wanting to train it to sit or shake, try using a clicker trainer. They are very easy to use and once your dog is familiar with the sound and the reward that follows right after, it should not be difficult to teach a trick. When training any breed of dog, make sure to exercise, discipline, and use affection. Most people mess up and only use affection but it is not the best way to train (Millan). Never give up on training the dog even if it has not learned the certain trick or command. Each dog learns at a different speed and it depends on the way people train the

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