
Dog Speech Outline

Decent Essays

Informative Speech Outline
Academic Honesty: I give my word this outline and speech are my own work and I have neither given, copied, nor received unauthorized help Anna Kanapinska.
Topic: Different ways to train a dog.

General Goal: To Inform.

Specific Goal Sentence: To Inform my listeners about the different ways a dog could be trained.

Thesis: Dogs could be trained many different ways, it is important to stay positive, consistent with the training and use treats to reward the hound. Introduction:
I. Many people in our community own or have owned a dog in the past.
II. Most people enjoy being around a well behaved dog, rather than around a hound who does not know boundaries, but how do they do it?
III. I own an eighty-pound boxer …show more content…

Prior to WWI dogs were not considered as beloved pets.
2. Most dogs had important jobs, such as, hunting, guarding a property and providing personal protection.
3. In 1930’s The American Kennel Club Introduced obedience training to the people living in the United States.
4. Obedience training methods became widely more popular in the 1970’s. They were accessible via books and the TV.
C. By 1997’s dog trainers started believing in reward- based training and training the dog without force.
Transition Sentence: Now you’re asking yourself, what do I mean by reward- based training?
II. Dog owners and trainers reward the animal by using treats.
A. Food is a positive motivator for humans and the same applies to dogs.
B. According to Dr. Dimitrije Bogunovic from Flagler Animal Hospital:
1. Treats work great to train a dog, but it also is very easy to overdo it.
2. Use treats to reward each step towards the desired behavior.
3. Mix treats with an occasional encouraging phrase. This way the animal does not get used to only obeying a command when a treat is present.
C. Also according to Dr. Dimitrije Bogunovic, he suggests to switch the treat flavors once in a while. Same as humans, dogs can get tired of the same food all the …show more content…

Have positive attitude.
A. According to Linda Cole who wrote the article called: “Dog Training with Consistency and Patience.”:
1. Stay calm. You can not force a dog to learn.
2. Understand the breed you are training. Each breed is different. Some may need more time consuming learning, while others may learn in just couple tries. Some are just stubborn.
3. Linda Cole also mentioned to exercise the hound before training. This will help the trainer to have a positive attitude, since the dog will be more obedient.
4. Once you are paws-itive it will be easier to be consistent with the training.

B. Speaking of being consistent, according to Ian Dunbar who made a TED talk called “Dog-friendly dog training.” in December of 2007:
1. In his TED talk Mr. Dunbar mentioned that puppies need to be trained treated same as adult dogs.
2. If you let a puppy jump on you, once he/she are eighty pounds they will do the same thing and it will be very hard to fix this habit. His only crime is that he grew.
3. With out being consistent it will be hard to train a hound.

I. Now that you guys probably heard too much about dog training, it must have been ruff to listen

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