
How To Train Your Dog Essay

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Training your dog is the most important part of canine companionship. A happy dog is one who has structure and boundaries. Dogs are pack animals, and as such, they need guidance in the behavior that you expect from them. If you don't follow through in this leadership role, then the dog will naturally feel as if it is his place to do so. A dog that understands that you are the leader will naturally be easier to train. Establish Leadership You want your dog to understand that you are the person to look to when they question what is right or wrong. This is done by being firm, yet kind with the dog. You don't want your dog to listen to you out of fear, but out of respect. Setting boundaries is very important in gaining respect. Sit down …show more content…

After this second correction, if the dog again repeats the offense, place him in his crate for some downtime. Stay Active A dog that is not properly exercised is a dog that will get into trouble! When a dog is bored, he will create his own fun, and that is usually not a good thing. Take you dog on a walk each day. Grab a Frisbee or a ball and go play in the backyard for a half hour. If you have a working dog, create a job for him to do such as pulling the kids around the yard in a cart. Practice Your dog is well-exercised and he understands that he needs to refer to you, so now is the time to teach commands. When you begin teaching your dog obedience commands, it will take practice. First, verbalize the command and attempt to get the dog to obey without any touching. For example, if you are teaching “sit”, you can draw the treat in a straight line form the top of the head. The dog will naturally follow the treat up and in turn his rear will go down. Repeat the command as he performs it and then give him praise. Repeat this several times with any command you are teaching so that he gets the hang of it. But Don't Practice for Too Long If you drag out training sessions to the point that your dog is getting tired or frustrated, then you

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