
Personal Narrative: After Pursuing Higher Education

Decent Essays

Saginaw, Michigan, has a population of a little over 50,000 people. When I was between the ages of 6 and 13, my hometown was considered to be the most dangerous city (with 50,000 and up population) per capita in the United States according to the FBI. In 2013 it feel to the third most dangerous. Everybody in the city knows these statistics by heart. Dangerous cities are brewed from a combination of many things including lack of jobs, opportunities, and options. In Saginaw, like many other low-income, predominantly black cities, the education system works wonders in assisting in lead their products to prisons. Growing up in the part of city that has the most violence, I’ve seen cousins join gangs, die from being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and students with little options go down a path that leads to less options. Since growing up in these conditions …show more content…

Giving students a home outside of their home and providing students with a space to be motivated to go to college is important. I would like to use art as a release and city enhancer for the students but my main goals is to have the youth see their potential and ability to pursue anything they are interested in. In working on motivating students, I will focus on self-determination and mastery rather than performance. Getting students to focus on competence and making it an intrinsic motivation, where the student cares about betting themselves is ideal. The alternate is having them focus on demonstrating their competence, stemming from extrinsic motivation, where the student cares about approval of other people, which leads to only caring about performance instead of truly mastering the skill . This is important for helping students realize what is really important to them and what their passions are instead of what society and their family tell them to do to be

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