Patton Fuller community Hospital Network Introduction Patton fuller community hospital is a reputable hospital, known as its strict commitment towards the proper application of the (HIPAA) rules, and its adherence to the standard norms being in practice, as well as its homogeneous business model in place that inspires lot of companies. During this paper, we are going to discuss the modality of this business system, strength points as well as the missing areas that should be improved. We also are going to describe what improvement might be adopted to enhance the relationships with outside organizations and global organizations. Analyze the current business system in place: Who, what, when, how, and why? …show more content…
In our case (HIS) undergoes to the client/server architecture, with a sub-system defined as Windows Exchange Server, which is an IBM system x3250, XEON Dual core 2.6 GHZ, and 2GB RAM, RAID 1, and MS windows SERVER 2003 enterprise. The other server, which has the same characteristics with a tiny difference in the OS system, which is LINUX. Among this network structure we can also evaluate the Remote Access Server, an IBM system X3250 type, running under LINUX OS. To access the internet, there are two routers liable for these operation. The first router is CISCO system 7609 router, and the second one is CISCO system ASA 5510 VPN (Virtual Private Network). CISCO 7609 router, delivers high performance router, deployed at the network edge, where the IP services, redundancy, and fault resiliency are critical. CISCO system ASA 5510, on the other side, is used for remote access to inside the protected area of the hospital network. What we can squeeze out from our analysis to the (HIS) system is that, the system is operating the same way as an ERP system, since all data resources in this department are managed by the cited system. RIS data center The radiology information system (RIS) data center, is subject to tracking and scheduling radiology patients, and result reporting, and image tracking
A Router is a Layer 3 or Network layer device that connects a network to another network. It connects networks with the same protocol such as RIP (Routing Information Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol).
Router is a device for networking that sends packets of data between the networks of a computer. The packet of data is forwarded to routers of the networks that contain the internetwork until the packet is at the destination node. A router can be linked to several data lines from various systems. The router reads the address information in the packet to establish the ultimate destination when the data packet is in any data lines (Liu, 2012).
Page 445 – Concept where all ISP router is connected to all other ISP router is called the Internet Core
A router is a network device, typically connected to a variety of LAN and WAN interfaces, that forwards packets based on their destination IP addresses.
Some of the other individual sections of the departmental network use different standards such as 1000Base F. The two networks are connected by a network bridge. The network bridge is used to inexpensively and easily connect local area network segments (Microsoft, 2010). The reason a network bridge is inexpensive is that there is no configuration required and you don’t have to purchase additional hardware such as routers and other bridges.
Patton – Fuller community hospital’s network system consist of two major parts, the first part is the executive part that connects the hospitals executive management, human resources department, operations, IT and data center, etc., the first network is connected using a 1000base-T Gigabyte network connection that uses a typical Cat6 cabling (Apollo Group Inc., 2008), the second major part of the network connects the departments of radiology, operating room, wards, ICU’s, etc. using a 1000base F fiber optic based connection, this connection is a
Our company needs to be installing a latest and advanced ERP system which makes us fully utilizing the business resources in the most efficient manner. Currently, the existing information system does not provide the full, accurate and reliable information from one department to another, neither it’s a cross-platform for information sharing(Columbus, 2014). A less-efficient information system is contributing into increasing cost of production for the business and overall reducing the business efficiency. The inventory turnover is increasing over the time period and so the productivity of staff unable to work at their optimum level. The current information system does not cover the whole business process and rather employees are engaged in manual data recording and preparing the documents to back the data.
Currently Patton-Fuller Community Hospital does not employ an ERP System. “[ERP] software integrates the planning, management, and use of all of the resources in the entire enterprise. It is comprised of sets of applications that automate routine back-end operations (such as financial, inventory management, and scheduling).” (Iniewski et al, 2008)
Up until this point, Third Star Financial Services has operated via a succession of mergers and acquisitions where systems were inherited but never integrated into the network. Its data management has been virtually non-existent and entirely ineffective. Evidence of this can be found in the absence of an enterprise-wide data management solution and the presence of several disparate systems operating independently with no measurable benefit to the company. Due to a lack of actionable data, management makes decisions based on instinct rather than through analysis. A direct consequence of this is a steadily declining market share and loss of high-level employees to competing companies. Fortunately, this discrepancy has been identified and Third Star executives have established the new goal of modernizing and streamlining operations. Using concepts outlined by the Data Management Association (DAMA), this proposed enterprise architecture will allow Third Star to transform their data from a liability to an asset.
Highlighted below is Patton-Fuller Hospital's statement of revenue and expenses showing the income earning trends between 2009 and 2010. Succeeding the statement of revenue and expenses it the balance sheet for the two years showing changes experienced.
Most business networks today use switches to connect computers, printers and servers within a building or campus. A switch serves as a controller, enabling networked devices to talk to each other efficiently. Routers, on the other hand, are a much more sophisticated piece of technology. They are small like a switch and look like modems in which multiple nodes can be connected. Today’s routers are actually designed for the purpose of connecting multiple ‘area networks’ (both local and wide). In terms of the internet, routers actually serve as a temporary destination for network traffic. Routers are capable of transmitting and receiving data packets but will actually ‘read’ the packet to get its IP address for determining the packet’s destination. Unlike the switch, routers are capable of joining the multiple networks together; in the case of Kudler Fine Foods, their three store locations. “Cable is the medium through which information usually moves from one network device to another. There are several types of cable which are commonly used with LANs. In some cases, a network will utilize only one type of cable, other networks will use a variety of cable types. The type of cable chosen for a network is related to the network's topology, protocol, and size.” (FCITC, 1997) There are four basic types of cable: Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), Shielded Twisted Pair (STP), Coaxial Cable, and Fiber Optic Cable. Unshielded twisted pair can range from basic telephone-grade wiring to high-speed cabling. This cable consist of four pairs of wires inside the outer covering each pair twisted with a different number of twists per inch to reduce/eliminate interference from adjacent pair or other devices. The tighter the twisting the higher data rates it supports but it also will increase the cost of the cable. Shielded twisted pair cables are actually shielded from radio and electrical frequencies and
From the description of the executive managers of the divisions, it is pretty clear that Bandon Group has
Another benefit companies receive from using an ERP is standardized processes and consistent data. This is important in the energy sector and the oil and gas industry because it allows the business to move rapidly to new markets as well as adjust workloads among offices. (Anderson et al., 119) an ERP system will provide managers with pertinent and timely information on when assets need to be replaced among others which will improve the quality of their decisions. (Anderson et al. 119)
In business, it is important for companies to be able to communicate effectively. Each department of a company relies on the other departments as they add to the value chain. One way for a company to integrate its different departments is enterprise resource planning. ERPs are software programs that allow companies to join together data across operations on a company wide basis (Jessup and Valacich 248). ERPs store company information in a common database and allow all departments to access it from one central location (Koch). Companies without ERPS may contain many legacy systems, each operating with different
A router is a device that is used to connect dissimilar device. It is present and operates at the Network layer of the OSI model.