
Observation Of Mcdonaldization

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On Wednesday, August 23rd, I observed a local McDonald’s operations, services, and customers. Based off of my observations, I can confirm George Ritzer’s points on the ideas of McDonaldization, being efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control, that enable not only this restaurant but our society to be rationalized. Even so, this restaurant exemplified Ritzer’s research on irrationalities. Using these points, I will demonstrate exactly how Franklin Street’s McDonald’s truly fits into Ritzer’s ideas and ways of thinking. As Ritzer explains, calculability sets up a distinction between quality and quantity (Ritzer, page 14). McDonald’s has a value menu, which allows the customer to think they are getting a surplus of food for a low cost. Using this manipulation, McDonald’s …show more content…

As I sipped my sweet, I noticed that people tended not to stay for too long in the restaurant. Even so, more customers got their orders to-go rather than dining in. McDonald’s pushing its customers out of their restaurants is another form of control as they dictate when the customer leaves. Comprehending that both of these instances are control, further validates Ritzer’s findings on McDonaldization. However, in most cases and almost all cases there are irrationalities in this entire process. Derived from my observations, I noticed two older men beside me had been in the restaurant for an extended period of time. I eventually made friends with them, and we talked about splitting the lottery, racism, cars and where our roots were. I spent about two and a half hours with these men, also noting that they were there previous to my arrival and probably lingered after my departure. All in all, they were there for a better portion of their day, just sitting around while enjoying food and good company. Alternatively, this defies the control aspect of McDonaldization and makes an irrationality. Their defiance of McDonald’s time control proves that the process of rationalization

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