One of the main problems you do not want in a lab is a contamination issue, especially when a test is time sensitive. This situation came up when we received and analyzed the results of one of our major and most extensive tests. At the time, the lab was low staffed and I was the most familiar with the test. I believed I was sufficiently experienced with time management and knowledge that I could successfully determine the root of the contamination in tandem with completing current tasks assigned. I evaluated all possible angles of the test and realized that there were multiple factors and various opportunities that could have caused this to happen. I decided to channel most of my energy towards braking down the steps/phases and examined any
The tensile testing was done on the three composite specimens (90°, and two 45°) were completed with a servo-hydraulic load frame with a wedge. The one in the lab was the MTS 647 hydraulic wedge grip and an 810 material test system. The specimens had strain gages with a Wheatstone bridge to collect data such as time, distance, load, axial strain, and transverse strain. From the strain gages, evidence can support how and when the specimen material failed under the stress being applied to it. The test was run for three times on three different specimens. The first specimen that was tested in the hydraulic load was the 0°/90° specimen, which is made of carbon and epoxy laminate composite.
Remove the cockroach from it habitat and submerge it in ice water for a few seconds to paralyze it. After the cockroach is paralyzed, using the surgical tools cut a leg (at the hip). The leg should be placed on the cork of the spike box, allowing a bit of the leg to overhang. The stimulation electrode should be placed on the femur and COXA then the electrodes should be connected to the output of the TENS electrical stimulator. Using the provided LabVIEW program, the onset stimulation delivered to the leg as well as its duration can be controlled. The stimulator should be turned on with the correct corresponding channels by turning the knob clockwise, the current intensity of the impulse increase further when the knob is turned clockwise. A
Characterization of activated carbon is done by by using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and FTIR (Fourier Infrared Spectroscopy)
In order to study the tendencies of the primary and secondary coils as they transfer energy through inductive coupling, a system that can aptly demonstrate the process is needed.
Task 4 Equipment Perspex block Ray box Power pack Light gate Protractor Pencil A4 paper Red and black wires Method I. Firstly you need to collect all the equipment listed above and set it up in the correct order which is shown below. II. Place the ray box at the top side of the A4 paper and putting the Perspex block in the middle of the paper.
MANUAL Q5: What color of light is being absorbed by the sample solution? How is that color related to the color of the solution?
In this section we first briefly explain the properties of a first-order Delta Sigma modulated bit-stream. Based on these properties, we propose the P-N pair method to process the Delta Sigma modulated bit-streams.
Next, save the excel document with the extensions, '.xlsx' and 'csv'. When the saved 'xlsx' file is loaded into ArcMap, the attributes for data type 'text' has a length of 255, with allowable null values. The numeric data type 'double' has been populated with the precision as 15 and the scale as 6. It allows null values. The data type, 'date' is populated correctly and allows null value.
Six different batches of recombinant HVT-H5 avian influenza vaccines obtained from office of receiving samples in central laboratory for evaluation of veterinary biologics (CLEVB), Abbasia.
There was an assortment of different changes indicating that chemical changes were taking place such as change in color or chemicals bubbling when combined with another chemical.
The estimated sample to be taken should be 9 lettuce plants/ roots to have the 95% level of confidence and within the 10% of population mean.
During this lab each group had to figure out who did the crime based on their blood type and dominant hand. To figure out which hand is the criminal’s dominant hand you have to figure out which hand they would have used to break in. The window that was staged as the crime scene was on the left side of the room, meaning the criminal would have needed to use their right hand to break the window and get inside. At first, I thought the person that did the crime was Mr. Padilla. I thought Mr. Padilla could have been the criminal because he does not have any children, which means that he has more time on his hands to do more things.
In this case, the encryption password is unique to the Windows account encrypting the file. In this case, it also happens to be “Pa$$word.” Here is a screenshot showing the file post-encryption.
Laboratory Tests – All laboratory tests utilize the following reference unless otherwise specified - Pagana & Pagana (2014)
We concentrate on typical pedestrian speeds of 3 Km/h for users' mobility concern. In order to describe the mobility of the mobile devices, we need to define the contact time between users $k_i$ $\&$ $k_j$. It is the time taken by two mobile nodes to meet again from the last time ($t_0$) within the range of each other and denoted by $\textit{ICT}_{i,j}$, when they were going out of the range from each other, i.e., $ICT_{i,j} = \mathop {\min } \limits_t \left\{ {\left( {t - {t_0}} \right):\left\| {{L_i}\left( t \right) - {L_j}\left( t \right)} \right\| \le R_{i,j},t > {t_0}}, L > 0 \right\}$, where $L_i(t)$ and $L_j(t)$ are the locations of the users $k_i$ and $k_j$ at time $t$, respectively, $R_{i,j}$ describes the range of transmission between $k_i$ $\&$ $k_j$, and $\left\| \bullet \right\|$ is the distance measured between the corresponding nodes. $\textit{ICT}_{i,j}$ is a time duration, which is random variable and is assumed to be independent of time.