
Nt1330 Unit 1 Lab Report

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We concentrate on typical pedestrian speeds of 3 Km/h for users' mobility concern. In order to describe the mobility of the mobile devices, we need to define the contact time between users $k_i$ $\&$ $k_j$. It is the time taken by two mobile nodes to meet again from the last time ($t_0$) within the range of each other and denoted by $\textit{ICT}_{i,j}$, when they were going out of the range from each other, i.e., $ICT_{i,j} = \mathop {\min } \limits_t \left\{ {\left( {t - {t_0}} \right):\left\| {{L_i}\left( t \right) - {L_j}\left( t \right)} \right\| \le R_{i,j},t > {t_0}}, L > 0 \right\}$, where $L_i(t)$ and $L_j(t)$ are the locations of the users $k_i$ and $k_j$ at time $t$, respectively, $R_{i,j}$ describes the range of transmission between $k_i$ $\&$ $k_j$, and $\left\| \bullet \right\|$ is the distance measured between the corresponding nodes. $\textit{ICT}_{i,j}$ is a time duration, which is random variable and is assumed to be independent of time. …show more content…

Therefore, the contact rate is different for each device, and is Poisson distributed with the mean arrival rate of $\mathchar'26\mkern-10mu\lambda_i$. Since a series of Poisson processes are modeled and are able to maximize the content transmission at given time duration. Therefore, by defining the contact rate ${\mathchar'26\mkern-10mu\lambda _{i,j}}$, mobile devices $k_i$ $\&$ $k_j$ can make D2D communication pair. In each contact, the devices can send the data to each other by the D2D communications, if the base station assigns some cellular spectrum resources of $cu$ towards D2D pair

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