
Nt1210 Week 2 Lab Report

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Week Two Lab Report - Encrypting with Different Programs
First, I downloaded and installed 7-Zip from the developer’s website ( onto the Windows 10 virtual machine. Next, I created four documents to be encrypted with the various programs. Each file contained a line of text describing the program doing the archiving/encryption. These documents were placed in a folder on the desktop for easy access. For Example:

In order to encrypt the file using 7-zip, I right-clicked the file and selected: “Add to Archive.” From there, I changed the archive format from .7z to .zip, selected AES-256 as the encryption method, and used a password of “Pa$$word.”

Finally, here is a screenshot showing a partial sample …show more content…

Finally, here is a screenshot showing the encrypted output in NotePad (Notepad was necessary in this case, WordPad reports a protection error upon opening the file.)
Original Text: “This file was encrypted using Microsoft Office.”

Windows Encrypting File System (EFS) To encrypt the document with EFS, I right clicked on the document and selected properties. From there, I navigated to the advanced tab and checked “Encrypt contents to secure data” In this case, the encryption password is unique to the Windows account encrypting the file. In this case, it also happens to be “Pa$$word.” Here is a screenshot showing the file post-encryption. Finally, here is a screenshot showing the encrypted partial output in Notepad. Original Text: “This file was encrypted using Windows 10 EFS.” VeraCrypt First, I installed VeraCrypt from the installer located in the Desktop\SEC310_installs folder. Next, I created an Encrypted File Container using the “Standard VeraCrypt Volume” option.

I created a VeraCrypt container named VeraContainer.HC in the same directory as the files to be encrypted using AES encryption and the SHA-512 Hash

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