
Making A Good Year: Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

This year I will try a lot harder. Last year I did not try to make a good year last year, I mainly went through the motions. This was because I didn’t try hard to make it a good year. This I know I will try hard to make it a good year and if I try I know it will be a good year.
Another reason this year will be awesome is because I started middle school and made lots of new friends and I also got closer with my old friends. I met my two best friends Liv and Brenna and I got a lot closer with my other best friend Teagan. There has been drama but we have gotten through it. We always hang out, and have the best time. All of them make me very happy!
The last reason why I know this year will be the best year is because of dance. This will be my second

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