
Personal Narrative: Achieving The Best Quality Of Life

Decent Essays

Some other challenges I may face would be that I want to fix everyone. I do not ever want to get to the point where I am helping someone because it makes me feel good, I need to address within myself that I cannot help every single client that I will see. Some people will not want to change, and I am worried that my passion for helping people achieving the best quality of life possible will be something I will take home with me. I am worried I may ponder on what advice I could give a client to make them realize what I realize about their life; when in reality that is not my place nor is it my job. I have had patients at work in the past that I would see at least for a week out of every month, sometimes once a month, that would keep coming into …show more content…

What happens when I am counseling a young woman whose parents recently were divorced? Will I automatically be reminded of myself and have a biased view on what I should help this client with? Will I not realize the extent that I am self-disclosing and unintentionally put my “stuff” on to the client. What would happen if a client who reminds me of myself starts telling me about her boyfriend that is addicted to drugs, will I give her advice because that’s what I wished someone would have done for me when I was in that same life changing situation? All of my experiences have made me who I am and have shaped how I react to things in my life. Sometimes I can get a little hot headed when it comes to things I feel so passionately about; it is hard for me to control my excitement when it comes to these types of situations. All of these hypothetical questions are very unethical and is doubtful that it will happen, but it is on my mind as a possibility of something that could go wrong. I know that I will always seek my own professional counseling for the problems that I have to continue to work through. I also know that I will try my hardest to understand how my clients view the world around them and I think as long as I keep my clients best interest in mind I will always

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