
Personal Narrative: 15 Years In The Making: A Collection Of Life Events

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15 Years in the Making: A Collection of Life Events The earliest memory I have is of me walking in the garden of my old house. It is a very distant memory and only lasts about three seconds in my head. To this day, I still wonder if it was only a dream. Nonetheless, I can still recall the way the sun’s bright light hit the left side of my face and the cool grass under my feet. I remember seeing a rose and its prickly thorns. My curiosity moved me to touch one and I instantly felt pain. I cried for my mom and she quickly picked it out of my bleeding index finger. Never again did I touch the thorns of any flower. It is the earliest memory I have of me learning from my mistakes. I moved away from that house when I was two years old. I hardly remember the process. To me, it went by incredibly quick. It was like my life was fast-forwarded during those times. One second my parents were packing my things and the next I was standing in a new room with all new furniture. The next thing I remember is starting school immediately after my sixth birthday. It was first grade and it was completely new to me. I know it is odd, but sometimes to this day if I smell a particular smell I am reminded of all the butterflies and anxiety I felt on my first …show more content…

I would rather not go into the details, but this was a person I once considered my best friend. We went to school together and at first they seemed so kind and friendly and someone I could trust. I told them everything. My deepest insecurities to my most kept secrets. It is almost funny how much a person can change. They went from being a safe place to criticizing my every move. At that age, I was so strung up on impressing others and my own internalized self-image issues that I would believe the things they said. It took me some time to leave them behind and grow as a person, and I am so grateful I did because I came out of it

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