
Lung Cancer Case Study

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According to Mosby, cancer is a neoplasm characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells that tend to invade surrounding tissue and metastasize to distant body sites. Cancer prevalence over the past decade has surged tremendously. The focus of this case study is lung cancer.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and the second most diagnosed cancer in both men and women in the United States (CDC, 2014). There are several risk factors linked to the development of lung cancer with cigarette smoking at the top of the list. Some other risk factors are exposure to second hand smoke, environmental exposure to substances such as radon, industrial exposure to substances such as asbestos and a family history of lung cancer (CDC, 2014).
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She denies any change in her chronic production of scant white sputum, fever and hemoptysis. She has increasing discomfort in her left chest with deep breathing and cough. She also denies substernal chest pain, palpitations, or edema. She admits to a 10-pound weight loss over the past year (Brashers, 2006).
3. What questions about her past medical history would you like to ask?
I would ask the patient the following questions about her medical history. How long have you smoked?
How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day? Do you have any allergies? When were you diagnosed with emphysema? Are you current with your flu and pneumonia vaccines? Have you ever had a blood clot? Have you ever had bronchitis and/or pneumonia? Have you ever had bronchitis and/or pneumonia more than once? What medications are you currently taking?
Medical History: The patient is a 60 pack/year smoker. She was diagnosed with emphysema5 years ago, managed with inhaled -agonist and ipratropium. Her latest pulmonary function testing was at the time of her emphysema diagnosis. She does not know the results. She had pneumonia3 years ago which

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