There are five lobes in the lung, three on the right and two on the left. Each lobe is divided by five segments, each supplied by tertiary bronchi, except for the right upper and right middle lobes, which are divided into three and two segments, respectively. Lymph nodes draining the lung are divided into intrapulmonary, hilar, and mediastinal nodal groups along the secondary bronchi, main bronchi, and surrounding tracheal and vascular structures within the mediastinum, respectively .
Epidemiology and Etiology
Worldwide, lung cancer is the most common cancer in both incidence and mortality.
Lung cancer is responsible for 28% of all cancer-related death each year (~160,000), more than all of breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers
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It accounts for 2–3% of lung cancer cancers (other than mesothelioma)
Occupational exposure: Arsenic, bischloromethyl ether, hexavalent chromium, mustard gas, nickel, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are some of the chemicals linked to lung cancers
Lung cancers are broadly categorized as non–small cell (NSCLC) and small cell (SCLC) lung cancers, accounting for around 85 and 15% of all lung cancers, respectively. The most common histologic subtypes of NSCLC are adenocarcinoma (50%), squamous cell carcinoma (35%), and large cell lung cancer (15%). Subtypes of adenocarcinoma include broncho-alveolar, acinar, and papillary; subtypes of large cell lung cancer include giant cell and clear cell carcinomas, both of which carry poor prognosis. Adenocarcinomas are the histologic type associated with smoking.
SCLC (a.k.a. oat cell cancer) contains dense neurosecretory granules containing neuroendocrine hormones such as adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and
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This tumor originates from type II pneumocytes, and it may present as a pneumonic infiltrate, as multiple nodules scattered throughout the lungs, and, occasionally, as a single nodule.
Route of spread
Local extension
. Direct involvement of pleural surfaces, chest wall, ribs, and mediastinal structures causing hemoptysis
Apical tumors can cause superior sulcus syndrome, with involvement of vertebral body, brachial plexus, stellate ganglion (causing Horner’s syndrome), subclavian vasculature, and superior vena cava (causing SVC syndrome) .Most Pancoast tumors are non-small cell cancers
Direct extension to recurrent laryngeal nerve can cause vocal cord paralysis and hoarseness. Involvement of phrenic nerve causes diaphragmatic paralysis.
N.B. recurrent laryngeal n. originate from Vagus n. The Rt is shorter than the LT as it curves under the Rt subclavian a. but the Lt curves under the aortic arch.
Regional lymph node metastasis
Into intrapulmonary, hilar, and mediastinal nodal
the American Cancer Society there are benign tumors, which are rare and often develop in
Lung Cancer, like any other type of cancer, is the uncontrollable growth of cells in the lung tissue. The main causes that contribute to lung cancer include inhaling carcinogens (basically, smoking), exposure to ionizing radiation, viral infections and even air pollution. These factors basically damage the tissues lining the bronchi in the lung, leading the cancer to develop further (Vaporciyan & Nesbitt JC, 2000). Primary lung cancers that develop in the epithelial tissues of the lung are known as carcinomas and claim the top spot in terms of leading cancer-related death causes. As of 2004, lung cancer
What is courage? Is courage saving a man from an avalanche? Is it standing against the crowd? Falling in love? Courage can be defined as many things. It could be as simple as wearing unusual, risking the chance of being judged by those around you. Harper Lee forthrightly establishes how gallantry can be displayed by many different types of people in the compelling book To Kill a Mockingbird. Despite many characters, such as Mayella and Scout showing courage, Atticus Finch is by far the most dauntless.
A common form of cancer that is very popular today is lung cancer. Lung cancer is a very dangerous form that can cause problems in simple body functions. These simple body functions are short breath and general fatigue. Lung cancer is commonly formed from smokers that has been exposed to that activity for numerous years. Lung cancer can also be spread by being exposed to asbestos or other pollutants. This form of cancer has many risk factors to it. These risk factors are high levels of air pollution, arsenic drinking water, and radon gas. Radon gas is a gas that is highly radioactive and is very sensitive to the body. Once radon is exposed to the body, it has a very high respiration rate which initially divide its radioactive cells- causing more significant damage to the body.
With that being said, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is a journal article that was widely related to physiology. The introduction of the journal article was primarily on the physiology of the respiratory system. The author explained to the reader the components of the respiratory system and the entire physiology of it. Ferrara started off by stating; “the air we breathe enters the trachea, which branches into the 2 primary bronchi” (Ferrara, 2013, p. 61) Ferrara gave the audience a physiological description of what happens to the air we breathe once inhaled and once it enters the lungs. The author also explained the roles of bronchioles and alveoli and the anatomy of these 2 components “Terminal bronchioles conduct air, and from these bronchioles branch the respiratory bronchioles, which lead to the alveoli. The alveoli lie adjacent to a network of capillaries and gas exchange takes place between the alveoli and the capillaries” (Ferrara, 2013, p. 62). When explaining the physiology of the respiratory system, the author used physiological terms such as; visceral pleura and parietal pleura. The physiology of the metastasization of a lung tumor was also described. This report was vastly related to anatomy and physiology. Anatomy is the study of structure. The audience was provided with images showing the anatomy of the respiratory system, lungs, and transverse and cross section anatomical images of lungs. This article was
|Specific Purpose: |To inform readers on the causes, effects and treatments of lung cancer. |
Lung cancer is the leading cause of death by cancer for both men and women in the United States (Stöppler, n.d., p. 3). As the name suggests, lung cancer is a cancer of the lung, where an abnormal growth of cells form a mass (tumor) on the lung (Stöppler, n.d., p. 2). This happens when a cell with aberrant DNA divides to create two new cells with the malformed DNA. This process occurs for each and every cell and because healthy lung tissue is not being made, a tumor develops. This tumor can be harmless, but in most cases, it is malignant and can have the potential to metastasize (“Lung Cancer 101,” n.d., p. 1). Lung cancer was not always the superior malady; in fact, only 1% of all cancers seen by the Institute of Pathology of the University of Dresden in 1878 were malignant lung cancers (Witschi, 2001). It appears
It is also the most common form of lung cancer in women and people younger than 45. As with other forms of lung cancer, your risk of Adenocarcinoma increases if you smoke. “Smoking cigarettes is by far the leading risk factor for lung cancer. In fact, cigarette smokers are 13 times more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmokers. Cigar and pipe smoking are almost as likely to cause lung cancer as cigarette smoking. As well as breathing tobacco smoke, nonsmokers who inhale fumes from cigarette, cigar, and pipe smoking have an increased risk of lung cancer. Those who are exposed to radon gas are prone to the inhabitance of Adenocarcinoma. Radon is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas formed in the ground. It seeps into the lower floors of homes and other buildings and can contaminate drinking water. Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer”(Adenocarcinoma of the Lung). It 's not clear whether elevated radon levels contribute to lung cancer in nonsmokers. But radon exposure does contribute to increased rates of lung cancer in smokers and in people who regularly breathe high amounts of the gas . “Those who are exposed to asbestos are also prone to this type of lung cancer. Asbestos is a mineral used in insulation, fireproofing materials, floor and ceiling tiles, automobile brake linings, and other products. People exposed to asbestos on the job (miners, construction workers, shipyard workers, and some auto mechanics) have a
Lung cancer can be caused by multiple factors and many factors can work together to cause someone to have lung cancer. Besides smoking, radon, secondhand smoke, the environment and someone’s occupation can all cause lung cancer. As we already know smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer cases worldwide and over forty-three million people just in the United States smoke cigarettes. There are more than fifty chemicals in tobacco smoke that are ingested each time someone smokes. Some of these chemicals include benzene (which can be found in pesticides and gasoline), Formaldehyde (which preserve dead bodies), pesticides (which are found on lawns and gardens) and Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines (Martin, 2012). When a person inhales the chemicals in cigarettes, they inhale thousands of poisons, toxic metals, and
“Individuals have the right to live their lives in any way they choose as long as they do not violate the equal rights of others” stated by David Boaz on drug use and the constitution(Boaz,). Marijuana along with other illegal drugs are all components which are considered to be victimless crimes and are one of the top investments law enforcements make on fighting. Victimless crimes overall are more potential to hurting the economy and society as a whole by keeping them illegal then if they were legal. The reason for this is due to the fact that there is no unwilling participant and the real reason these acts are illegal is due to an external psychic cost. People in the society do not want to see these acts being committed even though
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, among both men and women. (Mayo Clinic, 2013) Lung cancer begins in the lungs and usually doesn’t start showing signs or symptoms until the more advanced stages. There are three main types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer which includes four stages of cancer, small cell lung cancer which includes limited or extensive stages of cancer, and last but not least is carcinoid tumor. Lung cancer is a deadly disease that can be caused by smoking, people that are exposed to second hand smoke and can also affect those who have not smoked or never had exposure to second hand smoke. People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer. (Mayo Clinic, 2013) Smokers who quit smoking, even after
Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer related death. The most common cause of lung cancer is active and passive cigarette smoking (Lemone & Burke, 2011). Additionally, environmental and occupational risk factors associated with lung cancer are: benzopyrene and radon particles related to uranium mining, radiation and nuclear bombs, air pollution, diesel exhaust at cetera (Port, 2011). The age-adjusted occurrence for 2007 in Australia discloses that lung cancer is the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and females aged sixty and over (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW] 2011). Both cytological and histopathological samples are used to make an analysis of lung cancer so that the appropriate treatment can be done.
Our group's search began with a division of labor to more efficiently utilize our resources. The lung cancer topic was chosen due to the personal and societal impacts this disease produces. Finding balanced and accurate sources to build our case obviously and necessarily became an important priority. Additionally the topic of lung cancer is very broad and reaching, creating a problem of scope for this particular problem. It became evident that in order to find useful answers in this realm meant for us to ask useful questions. All the data and inference in the world does not assist the researcher unless it is applied in a formula that expresses the necessary dialogues reflecting the intent of those who are utilizing such information.
Lung cancer takes the lives of many at a young age and the cause isn’t always clear as of how this disease was contracted. The most popular idea of what causes lung cancer since early times has been using tobacco. Tobacco contains nicotine which is a highly addictive drug that gives a temporary feeling of relaxation. When people get addicted to nicotine, it becomes incredibly difficult for the victims to stop smoking. According to Brody, Lung cancer has been shown to take the lives of more people compared to any other form of cancer and this is the case since lung cancer is associated with life style. New information regarding lung cancer has shown that about one-fourth of those victims who are diagnosed didn’t obtain it through first hand smoking. People can obtain this illness through an “unlucky” combination of genetics (Brody).
The last two decade has witnessed a severe energy crisis in developing countries especially during summer season primarily due to cooling load requirements of buildings. The energy consumption in buildings is quite high and is expected to further increase because of improving standards of life and increasing world population. Air conditioning use has increasingly penetrated the market during the last few years and greatly contributes in the upsurge of absolute energy consumption.