
Journaling Process Analysis

Decent Essays

A Journaling Process

"I never know what I think about something until I read what I've written on it." -- William Faulkner

There don't have to be any rules for journaling. It's exciting to be open and creative - to find your own style and express yourself. But following some general tips may dramatically increase your results. Here's a simple 4-step process: Sync, Think, Ink and Link.

SYNC - Bring together (synchronize!) supportive elements to set the stage for your journaling. If possible, choose a quiet place during your prime thinking time. You may want to have soft music playing and possibly some incense, oils or candles to scent the air. A selection of coloured pens will stimulate more of the right brain. Get your journaling book ready. Write the date and the topic (your intention) for your journaling session. It's powerful to create a ritual with strong general intentions before each journaling session. Your ritual may be as simple as lighting a candle and taking 3 deep breaths to relax and centre you. As you breathe, exhale …show more content…

When you have finished writing, read over your material. Look for shifts in writing style or content, spelling errors that may be Freudian slips, symbols and sentence structure shifts. These may shed a new perspective on your experience. Intentionally step back and look at the bigger picture. You'll see other perspectives and gain new insights. You may even want to circle words or phrases or highlight them. To conclude, write down a maximum of 3 sentences on whatever comes to your mind after reading what you've written. This final entry may record new insights. It may be a summary of your journaling. Or it may be just a few points or action items. Simply write whatever is important to you or whatever comes to your mind. If you got some great insights or results, make an entry in the index of your journal book so you can easily find it in the

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