
How My Writing Has Changed Essay

Better Essays

My writing styles have changed drastically over the past four years of high school. This memo will explain how my writing has changed and how my knowledge of writing has improved.

Aspects of My Writing during High School

During my English courses throughout high school, I learned many things from writing simple journals, research papers, and a single term paper. During high school, I was laid back and procrastinated for much of my work. During the latter part of high school when I wrote my term paper my senior year, I found out that working a little every night writing a few paragraphs helped me out greatly. I was not just throwing something together just to get the grade and the paper finished. I spent time on the paper and …show more content…

I do this so the information is true, and also in order from which events have occurred. When I wrote my term paper my senior year I was well organized. I was required to write about an event in history. I chose India Uprising of 1877 as the topic of my paper. This topic was not interesting at all, but I chose to write about it. When I finished writing my thesis and outline, I wrote note cards about the different topics, which allowed me to gather all my information and organize it in which different events occurred. When I was finished with the paper, it sounded and read consistently and it all flowed together.

How These Experiences Prepared Me for College Writing

I have written many different types of papers for all of my classes throughout high school. For my science classes, I have written several labs in the form of essays. Writing the essays was different for me because I did not really know that science had much to do with writing. It took me a while to gather all the information I needed to finish my lab assignments. Writing lab reports will definitely help me in my science courses in the next four years.

The journals I have written came from my four years of high school English. Everyday I came to class there would be a topic on the board. I took five minutes each day to write about the given topic. It was brainstorming and giving our input on whatever the topic was. I think

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