
Summer Reading

Better Essays

OUR SAVIOR NEW AMERICAN SCHOOL SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT 2012-2013 High School English 9th – 12th grade OSNAS students are required to read two novels if placed in an English Regular’s or Honor’s class and three novels if placed in an AP English class: Several grades will be given for the summer reading.  Dialectical response journals for each book (rubric attached).  Exams on the assigned novels within the first days of school.  In class essay questions on each of the novels. 9th Grade Regulars and Honors - Reading Assignment: 1. Fiction novel: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein *12 Dialectical Journal Entries 2. Nonfiction: A Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins *12 Dialectical Journal Entries 10th Grade Regular and Honors - Reading …show more content…

How do I know what text to discuss and what to comment on? Choose passages that speak to you. Consider the parts of the book that made you stop and reflect on what was read. Consider what you may highlight or annotate. Consider the text that may lead to thematic, character, or literary convention analysis. Make connections to the text (text-text, text-self, and text–world). Analyze the style of the text—reflect on elements like symbols, imagery, metaphors, point of view, etc. Apply the different literary critical approaches with which you are familiar. How many entries should I have? Look to see how many journal entries are required for your grade level on the page where your book is listed. Journal entry requirements are per book. You are all reading different books, of different lengths, and of different levels of potential analysis. The more you converse and analyze the text, the more you will be prepared with the essay assignment and test to follow in September. *This journal should be kept in a composition notebook that looks just like this one. You can use one composition notebook for all of the journal entries. Set up format and instructions for your Dialectical Journal entry is as follows for each book:  Refer to the assignment explanation on the previous page before beginning to journal.  The title of book and the author are placed at the top of the page for each

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