This journal entry will mainly be focusing on chapter 4 which is about summarizing. Each journal entry is about different chapters but when writing these entries, it gives a good understanding of each of the chapters and what specifically we have learned from the chapters. Summarizing is used throughout your career and in every aspect of your life while you read anything. People summarize topics and articles all the time. In my opinion, I feel reading a summery is easily and faster than reading an entire book article. You can get a good and core understand of any topic quickly just by reading a summary. People also usually summarize everything; not only is summaries used in books but it is also used in movies and shows to give us a mini summery of what the movie or television show is mainly about without having to watch the whole movie or show. I know for myself, I have read up on a lot of summaries for previous televisions shows that I might have missed so that I can catch on to the present episodes. Summaries can also be used at work when you are trying to help someone understand and teach a specific topic and not have them go through reading and understanding pages. Now, how to write a summary becomes the difficult part. Not everyone knows how to write a summery or how to summarize topics. It becomes difficult for people to read a whole article, book, or chapters and have to summarize them into a 1-2 page paper explaining the main concepts and ideas. There are a lot of
Summary Activity Directions: Use your Guided Notes to create a summary of Elie Wiesel’s speech “Hope, Despair, and Memory.” Your summary should be one paragraph of 6-10 sentences. Here are some things to remember as you write your summary paragraph: 1. The summary should be a condensed version of the material and should be written in your own words. 2.
Stromberg’s Smithsonian article suggested the lives of the colonists to be harsh. According to the analyses on the bones excavated at Jamestown, examinations on the remains of a girl, and letters written by George Percy, researchers speculated that the starving colonists resorted to cannibalism during the harsh winter of 1609 called the “Starving Time.” Along with the discovery of the carcasses of dogs, cats and horses consumed during the Starving Time, the bones and remnants of a girl were found. Douglas Owsley, a prominent physical anthropologists and accomplished forensic investigator who works with the FBI with experience in analyzing cannibalized skeletons, claimed the girl to be a fourteen year old girl of British ancestry subject to
In assignment number three, I was instructed to write a short summary about an article titled Hidden Intellectualism by Gerald Graff. Learning goal number two is being able to write in various academic genres. I demonstrated that I understood this learning goal because I was never able to write in any other genre then free writing. This assignment helped me perfect my skills in writing short summaries about an article because it broadened my expertise in writing. Thinking of summarizing, you’d incorporate it as an easy task but for me it really wasn't. Writing a short summary on an interesting article was not easy. I started off by using the skills of learning goal number one and annotated the article throughout my reading. Writing in different
Summary: Summarize the important aspects of the reading section in a minimum of five sentences. Use main points only, avoid including your personal opinions, and use attributive tags:
“Every time, when I got my self into position to jump, I felt a flash of disbelief that was I was doing anything so perilous. But I always jumped. Otherwise I would have lost face with Phineas, and that would have been unthinkable.” P. 34
Summarize: Write a summary of the article that represents its argument and concerns as accurately as possible.
1 Summary: After listing the name of the book and author, summarize the book concisely in 500 “tight” words (no more than 2 pages). Prove that you comprehend the reading by writing a no-nonsense summary. The summary is not a commentary or listing of topics, but rather a heartfelt, condensed, insightful synopsis of the longer, more elaborate book. Cite the book in text at least once per paragraph, and include page numbers for direct quotations.
I met with my colleague earlier this week and she asked if it was ok with me to facilitate the substance abuse group on Mondays, instead of the relapse prevention group on Wednesdays. She said this will help me to become more knowledgeable about the street drugs and there effects on the body. I told her I didn’t mine taking over the substance abuse group at all. In the substance abuse group the facilitator usually have discussions on but not limited to the different types of illicit drugs on the street and the physical and psychological effects on the human body. The different routes of entry to the body and how long it stays in the body is discussed as well.
Reading Strategy Note: Unlike summary and paraphrase, which require close reading, for this discussion use the reading strategy of
Management in healthcare institutions obtains presentations that pertain to workers’ injuries and illness costs. The figures acquire adequate support from the management provided that the data cites credible and the right references. However, researchers lack adequate hard data and research backing to defend direct and indirect cost ratios that they frequently utilize in relation to the safety-related literature.
Look to see how many journal entries are required for your grade level on the page where your book is listed. Journal entry requirements are per book. You are all reading different books, of different lengths, and of different levels of potential analysis. The more you converse and analyze the text, the more you will be prepared with the essay assignment and test to follow in September.
For the journal portion, the focus is on the writer’s technique and craft. Your entries should examine the authorial choices made in the text through a lens of reflection, critique, and reader impact. These entries should be thoughtful and well-developed, showcasing an understanding of how craft influences meaning. I’ve done an example for you below.
This article is talking about how to avoid integrity and plagiarism. We should use our own work, and not use another person’s. If you plagiarism and get find out, you will get in to a big trouble and you will be facing lots of penalties. Also, there are some careless mistakes will lead you to identify as plagiarism. For example, you want to use other people’s work or quote to support your ideas, but you forget to site it. We need to be very careful by using other people’s work. And the article also mention when we are doing summarize, we should understand the source and only include author’s major points in to your summary. The action I will take is I will be more careful when using other people’s
Summarizing each paragraph for the third reading helps you know the main idea of each paragraph without reading through it again, and you could find the best and important example in the text. All the readings have a purpose that helped me write the essay; it broke down the content of each source so it could be understandable, how helpful each information is, and if the author’s evidence is strong enough to convince
1. Describe what you did. This does not mean that you copy and paste from what you have posted or the assignments you have prepared. You need to describe what you did and how you did it.