
Intervention Decisions

Decent Essays

In a classroom and a misbehavior is beginning to form, one of the most critical decisions a teacher needs to keep in mind is when and how to respond to misbehavior. “An intervention is an action taken by the teacher that is intended to stop the disruptive actions and return the student to the academic activities. Intervention decisions are typically based on the teacher's knowledge of who is misbehaving, what the misbehavior is, and when it occurs. Decisions about the type of intervention may depend on the student's history of inappropriate behavior. However, you should not automatically jump to conclusions if an incident involves a student with a history of behavior problems. It is helpful to discuss the problem with the student to clarify the problem from both your perspective and the student's before considering possible interventions (Burden, 2017).”
The teacher needs to handle the misbehavior in the most appropriate yet …show more content…

Using a visual or verbal cue can stop a misbehavior and remind a student to get back on task. Using a simple visual look at the student and keeping eye contact can send the message to the student that they know what they need to be doing. A verbal cue can be as simple as asking a student what they need to be doing or even reminding them of the rules like ‘uh-oh I noticed a friend is out of their seat when we need to be doing our writing.’
Logical consequences are another strategy that teachers can use to stop misbehavior while helping children see and take responsibility for the effects of their actions. Logical consequences differ from punishment in that, unlike punishment, logical consequences are directly related to the misbehavior, realistic so the child can reasonably be expected to notice and correct their behavior, and respectfully by communicated kindly and focus on the misbehavior, not the students character or personality

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