
Examples Of Natural And Logical Consequences In The Classroom

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Natural/Logical Consequences When implementing natural and logical consequences into the classroom, it is important to understand the difference and how to apply them. Natural consequences are the result of the action. It is what comes naturally without intervention. If a child is playing roughly with a toy and the toy breaks, the natural consequence is a broken toy. Logical consequences are implemented and not the obvious repercussion of the act (Hardin, 2012). It is important to understand that neither natural or logical consequences are punishments but more of a way to place the child into a problem-solving and decision-making process. When children experience natural/logical consequences, “they learn they are in charge of their own destiny” (love &logic). When implementing consequences into your classroom it is important to evaluate the goal of the misbehavior (attention, power, revenge, failure-avoiding), provide interventions based on the goal, impose a natural/logical consequence, and build a community in the classroom (Hardin, 2012).
A student was talking while you were trying to present your lesson. The first step would be to evaluate the goal of the misbehavior. Was the student doing this for attention? If that is the reason behind the behavior, then the student would be attention-seeking. Next step would be to provide interventions based on the goal. If the child is seeking attention, the child may need attention; catch them being good or

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