
Pros And Cons Of Response To Intervention

Decent Essays

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a “data-driven and structured procedure for analyzing students’ learning problems” (Friend 49). The purpose of RtI is to use a systematic approach of increasing interventions for students in order to determine if a student has a learning disability. IRtI is a great program for school to use to help students but it is not mandated by IDEA.

RtI is a great program for students mainly because of its timeliness. “Response to Intervention calls for intervention as soon as a problem is documented” (Friend 50). Prior to RtI, students with learning disabilities would not be identified until they fell far enough behind so they would show a large discrepancy between their achievement level and their potential. …show more content…

“Approximately 75 to 80 percent of will be able to learn if the receive high-quality instruction, and approximately 15 to 20 percent will benefit from moderately intensive instruction” (Friend 49). That is a significant improvement for tier two intervents, which usually happen 3 times a week.

Other pros of Rti include its adaptability and ease to implement. Regardless of the grade level, type of school and subject, the major premises of RtI will work. Rti also works with students of any age and challenges. Furthermore, RtI is intuitive and easy to implement. Most teachers naturally provide accommodations for students when they need help. Most teachers will also increase these accommodations as needed.

Although on the offset, RtI is a great program, there are several issues with it. The first is parents involvement, or the lack thereof. As stated in the ENY 729 Inclusion Module 2 video, the parents “have a great knowledge about what's really going on with that child other than those folks in the school and so it's very important that we reach out to the parent and say in our opinion, and from your perspective, what do you see?” However, RtI does not require the school to include parents in the process. WIth that being said, I do think that most teachers make an effort to reach out to parents before beginning the RtI …show more content…

In other words, it is an extremely subjective process” (Response to Intervention (RTI) vs the Discrepancy Model). As stated, many teachers provide accommodations as needed but they do not know how to document the strategies used or measure the

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