
I Had A Slight Obsession With Eating Steak

Decent Essays

When I was around ten years old, I had a slight obsession with eating steak. Anytime my family and I would go out to eat dinner at a restaurant I would always order steak. In retrospect, doing this was probably not very healthy (or good for my parents’ wallets.)
Anywho, one day we had gone to Cracker Barrell and you can only imagine what I ended up ordering. Yes, you guessed it. Steak. Since I was used to eating steak from the countless times I had had it before, I started taking larger bites than what was probably good to do. That was the beginning of my downfall.
I was going about my dinner usually when about halfway through something happened. I was taking a rather unusually large bite of steak when suddenly I realized i couldn’t breath. I started hitting my mom trying to get her attention because she was talking to my little sister. When she did turn around I remember her eyes going wide and her yelling, “Oh my God!” At the same time my step-dad on the other side of the table stood up abruptly knocking his chair over in the process. My mom made me stand up and turn around so she could do the Heimlich Maneuver on me and a coughed up the half-chewed piece of steak.
I hadn’t fully understood what had happened at that point but my mom was nearly in tears. She had to go outside to calm down for a moment and explained to me what had happened. Apparently, I had choked on the piece of steak and she nearly lost me. This wasn’t my first near-death experience, mind you, but it

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