
Orthorexia Nervosa Essay

Decent Essays

Seems as though clean eating foods are the order of the day. So much so, some people are taking their eating to a whole other unhealthy level called orthorexia nervosa.

It means having an obsessive behavior towards food.

Recently, I stumbled upon an article on orthorexia nervosa and as I was reading, it dawned on me, I had this very problem about 20 years ago.

I don't know if there was a name for it then, or if it was even something discovered and diagnosed. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa was definitely around then and still is today, but orthorexia nervosa?

Obviously, I am a woman ahead of her time!

When I look back to those days of nothing but clean eating foods. One would have thought I was just being careful and conscious of …show more content…

I was of the opinion what I was doing was a good thing. After reading the article on orthorexia I realize now, I definitely had an eating problem.

And I can see it being a problem for many other people more so today than it was back then.

It is easy to see why people take their eating habits so seriously, there are so many questions today about everything we eat.

The chemicals in our food cause so much concern when it comes to cancers and other health problems. Is it any wonder someone will go to the extreme of wanting to keep their body healthy and only enjoy clean eating foods.

Clean Eating Foods And Orthorexia Nervosa

I really did make life hard for myself. I never all those years ago would ever have thought I had a problem.

After reading the symptoms of orthorexia nervosa, I had them all.

Eating out was something I avoided, as I felt I couldn't trust anyone to prepare the food as I would. I was very meticulous when it came to washing everything I ate.

A friend said to me one day 'how come you never eat anything when you come to my place'? Whenever someone offered me food I would always say I wasn't hungry and had eaten before I arrived.

I was as thin as a beanpole and eating clean foods pretty much consumed

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