
How To Eat That Frog Essay

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In order to be successful in what you do, there is a certain level of discipline and organization required. If one does not obtain these skills, it will result in inefficiency and low quality of work. The purpose of “Eat That Frog”, by Brian Tracy, is to suggests ways for individuals to develop these skills of productive procrastination, planning, distribution of effort, and many other key elements in order to reach their full potential in any particular field. If these methods are applied correctly, it is sure to increase productivity. When it comes to me personally, I have had trouble with my time management lately. It has become difficult for me to balance my school work and my social life. The main reason for this is I am still …show more content…

One of those includes planning everyday in advance. This means making a list of goals for the day every morning, as well as making lists of goals for the week, month, and year. This helps you visualize exactly what you need to and when you need to do it by, making your objectives more clear. A quote in the book that stood out to me is “Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now.” Meaning that if you do not plan, you are not properly preparing yourself for what there is to come. After making these lists, you must use rules such as the 80/20 Rule, the ABCDE Method, and the Law of Three to help in prioritization. “Eat That Frog” is an excellent step by step guide in gaining control of your time and life by changing the way you think. Tracy gives extremely informative instructions on managing your time by determining what activities are worth putting your effort into, and what activities are not. His methods are simple, but make a huge difference in production. I look forward to applying these teachings to my everyday life and seeing how much it impacts my

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