Have you ever taken the time to think about what the people of the holocaust went through? There were Jews, German Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, Roma (Gypsies), Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and deviant people captured and transported to the concentration camps just because the Nazis did not think the were good enough. These people suffered from extensive torment, and neglect throughout the holocaust and in the concentration camps. There was hardly any food and because of that many died. They were also medically experimented on which killed them because there were many medicines tried on them and some were even injected with the disease itself. This paper will cover, medical experiments done on the captured, traveling to reach the concentration camps, and the treatment of the captured people. …show more content…
Because of this, some of the doctors wanted to see if they could find a cure for diseases. Many of the doctors truly wanted to find cures that could help the human population as a whole. In that case, they felt it was okay if the prisoners died to help the free people. One of the medical experiments that was performed was by a doctor, Hermann Goering, and some of his colleagues. The experiment was mainly based on how the human body's temperature changes, “The inmates [of concentration camps] were subjected to cruel experiments; victims were immersed in cold water until their body temperature was reduced to. 28° C., when they died immediately.” ( Mellanby This experiment was very cruel and should never have been done on a human being. Statistically, the average human body temperature is 98.6°F or 37.0 °C. These people took the prisoners’ bodies down to 28°C, as stated before, which is a 9° difference. You may say 9° is not that much, but it mattered and it caused these people their lives. Other medical experiments done by the Goering
The Holocaust was a terrible event that will never be forgotten. One of the worst events that happened was the experiments done on Jews. The experiments done on Jews during the Holocaust, such as freezing experiments, genetic experiments, and experiments on organs, were inhumane and unjustifiable.
This book gives a better understanding of the Holocaust and helps people understand what concentration camps were
“I will remember that there is an art to medicine as well as a science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife and the chemist’s drug.” (Louis Lasagna). However, the doctors of the holocaust didn’t care, and used the victims as guinea pigs for the results. The medical experiments performed during the Holocaust had horrific outcomes for those experimented upon.
The doctors would cut off limbs and see if the Jew’s could handle what happened to their body. Josef mengele would do the experiments to twins along with many other doctors they were trying to see how twin were made so they could increase the prefect race faster. Even though these were crude experiments they help german know a whole lot more about the human body and what it can handle and what it can't and the almost found out to make twins but they never did.
The reason behind these experiments were that the Nazi’s were not used to the bitter cold weather in russia. So the Nazi scientists tested how long it would take to lower the body temperature and what thawed or raised the body temperature back to normal levels. All tests were done on young, healthy Jewish and Russian men. A Nazi doctor was “shocked at how long the Russian men could take the cold without losing consciousness. He asked the directing doctor to take them out of the tank. He did not allow this and increased the temperature slightly to prolong their pain. They died after a long painful stay in the tank” (1995 “Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine”).
Experiments were carried out by the Nazi’s to start an advancement in German medicine compared to the rest of the world. Tons of medical and scientific testing was done in the concentration camps to prisoners with no consent of the patients (“Nazi Medical Experiment…”). The experiments so harmful, that there was nearly no chance of survival except for a few. It led some to disability, mutation, and most likely death.
The essay you will be reading about will contain how Nazi science experiments were inhuman. There will be some experiments you will be reading that actually occurred during WWII.
The Holocaust was a time that left a big scar on the culture of our world as a whole and there are still people suffering from it still to this day. In my investigation I will be looking at to what extent did the Holocaust affect the survivors, both mentally and physically upon return home from the concentration camps. I will be looking at books, both present and from the time period that talk about how they felt and what happened when they got home. I will also surf the internet, find interviews with survivors, look for articles, and newspapers from the time in order to get a better idea of what was going on in their life. I will then compare and contrast the facts at hand and pull out and mix what is the same and
First, it would be very helpful to this paper to describe the ways that Nazis deprived the individuals in the concentration camp of their freedom. The Nazis’ main goal was to completely exterminate the Jews. If one was a Jew, the Nazis discriminated against them and either transported the Jews to a concentration camp or to a crematorium. Upon transportation, the Nazis ripped everything away from the individuals that made them human—loved ones, food, hair, personal belongings, clothing, shoes, security, full bellies, rested bodies, hopeful thoughts, compassion, privacy, humanity, independence, one’s own body, free will, the list goes on. Levi describes the
The Holocaust was a very tragic event in all of history. Some Germans tried to put the chaos to a halt. Most Germans didn’t care at all; they thought Hitler knew what he was doing and that he was a good leader. Most Germans were clueless of what was happening in the concentration camps; they didn't know the pain and suffering Jews went through. They chose to not care. They could’ve saved lives’ but they chose to believe that Jews are bad. But some Germans chose to fight for what is right and tried to help Jews survive the Holocaust.Some of these people saved thousands’ of lives.
We’ve all heard about the Nazis and the concentration camps, but do you truly know the extent of what happened inside of these camps? A series of human experiments occurred on the deformed, the genetically different, but mostly on twins. They experimented on them to try and create the “ultimate human species”. Most didn’t survive these experiments. All of these experiments were done by one man, Dr. Joseph Mengele.
When most people think of the holocaust, they think of people being forced into concentration camps, they think of Jews and Nazis, they think of cruelty and death. But what most people don’t think of, is all the experiments that went on, all the medical experiments. The Nazi doctors wanted to find cures for medical conditions that most everyone wanted to cure, but these doctors went about finding the cure a little differently. They would take prisoners they had and experiment on them in ways of cruelty hard to even imagine. This will only be about one of the many experiments done, the freezing and hypothermia experiments.
Just last week, the Nazis have established over 40,000 concentration camps. These horrifying concentration camps are facilities were designed to kill and enforce labor on the Jews. The labor includes working machinery, airplanes, and separating materials. Many inmates include German Communist, Socialist, Social Democrats, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Roma. All of these camps are located mostly within Germany. Everyday, thousands of fearful Jews are being killed by exhaustion, starvation, and even the crematory. Nazi doctors performed medical experiments which caused many Jews to die a painful death.
When we talk about the Holocaust and the pain the Jewish people faced we focus on the violence within Europe causes by the Nazis. However, this discussion misses two fundamental aspects of life during this time period.
The topic that I decided to research about for my project is the types of experiments the Nazis attempted on the Jews. The types of experiments are important because it represents the Jew’s lost of human rights.