George Noah Fudge
English 10
October 17, 2014
Ms. Childs
WWII Nazi medical experiments Essay The essay you will be reading about will contain how Nazi science experiments were inhuman. There will be some experiments you will be reading that actually occurred during WWII.
Nazi human experiments were a series of medical experiments done on large numbers of prisoners most of them were Jewish and Jewish children were included too from Europe, but there were some other races too such as Romani, Ethnic Poles, Soviet POWs and non-Jewish Germans. Caused by Nazi’s in Germany in the concentration camps in the early 1940s during WWII and the Holocaust. The prisoners did not willingly volunteer usually the experiments ended in death or disfigurement of permanent disability.
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Once you read about some of the things they did to the people in their so called science experiments is hard to believe that humans actually did that to other humans. Like there was one where they were testing mustard gas burns. They exposed the people to it deliberately then once they had the burns they would study them. Another one they were testing was head injury experiments. They took this little boy about ten, eleven, or twelve and strapped him down to a chair where he could not move and just above his head was a mechanized hammer that would come down every few seconds and hit him on the head. Eventually he was driven insane. This isn’t even a science experiment this is pure torture. strapped him down to a chair where he could not move and just above his head was a mechanized hammer that would come down every few seconds and hit him on the head. Eventually he was driven insane((head injury
The ignoble experiments of the nazi regime included exposure to freezing/ hypothermia, tests on the genetics of an individual, exposure to infectious diseases, undergoing of interrogation and torture, most effective and inexpensive methods of killing/ mass genocide, exposure to conditions resembling high altitude, pharmacological tests, sterilization of an individual, the undergoing of different surgeries, and inflicting traumatic injuries on the patent undergoing the experiment. The experiments done by nazis on prisoners were in an effort to find ways to cure burns, hypothermia, infections, and ways to mass exterminate the jews in the most cost efficient way possible.
During the Holocaust the Jews were tortured and kill. But were the benefits of science justified for the jewish. Nazi doctors conducted almost as many as 30 different types of experiments on prisoners that were in the concentration camps. You will also find out Hitler’s views on the experiments. And also why they did this.
Disabled Germans were killed in gassings. Midwives, physicians, and guardians of children with severe birth defects were supposed to register the defected child while three expert physicians would decide whether the child lived or died, usually not even seeing the child in person. This was all part to create the “master Aryan race.” 5,000 children were killed in the clinics and state hospitals they were brought to once registered. The Nazis wanted to keep the Euthanasia Program (the program Hitler was using to kill these helpless children) a secret, so the Nazis sent the children’s families made up ways of how their child died. In October of 1939, Hitler started Operation T-4, which was where adult men and women who were “incurable” were moved to carbon monoxide chambers and gassed. 70,000 of these innocent people were lost (Final Solutions).
Holocaust Medical Experiments “Among all criminals and murderers, the most dangerous type is the criminal physician” ( This statement, made by a prisoner in Auschwitz, was an opinion most likely supported by the majority of other prisoners in concentration camps. During the time period of the Holocaust, cruel medical experiments were performed on the prisoners in order to improve German medicine (Nazi Medical Experiments). The doctors who performed the experiments on the patients were responsible for the majority of the deaths (Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine).
Hitler conducted brutal experiments on Jewish. Jewish prisoners were put through a variety of gruesome experiments. One experiment was to freeze jews in vats of icy water to see what would happen to pilot that has fallen in water. The infamous Dr. Josef Megele proposed many experiments on 1,000 twins roughly 200 lives( One more experiment known as the salt water
The horrific events of the Holocaust are remembered with tragedy and shame by many. However, beyond the concentration camps and gas chambers, many prisoners suffered an even darker fate. During the Holocaust, many cruel and inhumane experiments were conducted on the prisoners taken by Nazi Germany. These experiments included testing dangerous drugs and sterilization methods on prisoners, and exposing them to gasses and poisons to develop antidotes. Other experiments included freezing them to the brink of death just to reheat them again, as well as other bizarre and torturous experiments performed on twins.
1.) The Nazi medical experiments included injecting individuals with viruses and gasoline, making them ingest poisons, and submersing them in ice water (Protecting Human Research Participants, 2008).. Although their experiments were inhumane the medical field has benefited from the medical experiments that were conducted. Dr. Josef Mengele was a geneticist that was know as the "Angel of Death" at the Auschwitz concentration camp. He is very well known for his studies on his twin experiments. He also would conduct experiments that he would hope to change the individual's eye color by injecting certain chemicals in their eyes (Bulow, 2015).
• Children were experimented on in concentration camps during the Holocaust • The types of experiments conducted on children include freezing/hypothermia, genetic, high altitude, sterilisation, • Freezing/Hypothermia: This experiment was conducted on men to simulate the conditions in which the armies suffered on the Eastern Front. It was conducted by various doctors at Auschwitz for Himmler, the head of the SS. They were conducted in order to determine how long it took to lower the body temperature to death and to decide which way was the best to resuscitate a frozen victim.
The Holocaust in World War II is one the many cases of genocide. Millions of people were killed, or injured during the war. People were held in places called concentration camps. In the camps, people were dehumanized. They were treated like animals, and hurt. Sometimes they were even put through unethical treatments and medical experiments. Medical experiments are often talked about during times of war, as most of the time they are unethical, and a crime against humanity, as in the case of the experiments during the Holocaust. The medical experiments, and the trials that followed were the first trials for the crimes against humanity. The medical experiments of the Holocaust were a horrendous crime against humanity because they needlessly slaughtered
Out of all these ways that people died in the concentration camps, the terrible medical experiments of the Nazi doctors and scientists have to had been the worst. The doctors and scientists oversaw and ran dozens of different types of experiments on camp prisoners during the war. All of them were cruel, deadly, and just plain wrong. These experiments were mainly to benefit the Nazi army and keep them alive, to answer questions concerning medicine, and to recognize the mental, physical, and genetic differences between different types of people while proving the Nazi beliefs (“Nazi Medical
While the Holocaust was going on, many Jews were captured. They were sent to a camp either to do hard labor, or die. There was one more place Jews could be sent to...The labs. People with deformities or unique traits were sent to a lab.
For my research paper, I will be talking about the experiments that were executed during the Holocaust, who performed them and if they would perform them certain people. The Holocaust, one of the darkest times in history, occurred in 1933-1945. Throughout this time, many cruel and unforgiving experiments were performed on innocent people. The infamous Dr. Josef Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death, was one of the SS physicians who conducted these experiments. Josef Mengele joined the Nazi Party in 1937, and the SS a year later.
The Nuremberg Doctor’s trial of 1946 involves human experimentation performed by the Nazi doctors. These physicians were accused of conducting torturous “experiments” with concentration camp inmates. During these studies, physicians conducted treatments that were not permitted and caused severe injuries to the participants, and in some cases, participants died as a result of this. Prisoners were left to freeze to study more on hypothermia. Later, during December 9th, 1946 to August 20th, 1947 representatives establish a Nuremberg trial to prosecuted these doctors for the atrocities that they committed and 23 out 15 were found guilty. As a result, the Nuremberg code was created to
They would completely submerged the jews under water until they would pass out or die. They also tried to find cures for contagious diseases and find a cure for mustard gas. The Nazis also would hold people under water till they passed out, random injections, and tying people to a bed with wet sheets and left them until their body warmed up the sheets. One of the most known experiments is the twin experiment. Doctor Mengele did many things about the twins. He would draw blood from the children everyday. The smaller children had their blood drawn from their necks which made them very weak. Dr. Mengele also dropped chemicals into the twins eyes trying to change the color to blue which left them blind for a short amount of time or forever. He would inject one twin with a disease but if that twin died the other would be injected the remaining twin with some sort of chemical directly into the heart causing the remaining twin to
From the beginning of time, doctors and medicine have been put up on a pedestal and greatly admired. They have given to the ones that are sick hope and a way to survive. So many of people have put all their money, faith, and hope into doctors, clinging to any chance that their disease or sickness can be cured. Parents wish for their children to grow up to be doctors one day. Our fascination with doctors stems from many reasons, but the main reason is that they have always been the ones to help us find a solution to our greatest fears, such as death, pain, and sickness. Throughout history doctors have accomplished many great wonders and cured many diseases