
Nazi Medical Experiments During The Holocaust

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George Noah Fudge
English 10
October 17, 2014
Ms. Childs
WWII Nazi medical experiments Essay The essay you will be reading about will contain how Nazi science experiments were inhuman. There will be some experiments you will be reading that actually occurred during WWII.
Nazi human experiments were a series of medical experiments done on large numbers of prisoners most of them were Jewish and Jewish children were included too from Europe, but there were some other races too such as Romani, Ethnic Poles, Soviet POWs and non-Jewish Germans. Caused by Nazi’s in Germany in the concentration camps in the early 1940s during WWII and the Holocaust. The prisoners did not willingly volunteer usually the experiments ended in death or disfigurement of permanent disability. …show more content…

Once you read about some of the things they did to the people in their so called science experiments is hard to believe that humans actually did that to other humans. Like there was one where they were testing mustard gas burns. They exposed the people to it deliberately then once they had the burns they would study them. Another one they were testing was head injury experiments. They took this little boy about ten, eleven, or twelve and strapped him down to a chair where he could not move and just above his head was a mechanized hammer that would come down every few seconds and hit him on the head. Eventually he was driven insane. This isn’t even a science experiment this is pure torture. strapped him down to a chair where he could not move and just above his head was a mechanized hammer that would come down every few seconds and hit him on the head. Eventually he was driven insane((head injury

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