Just last week, the Nazis have established over 40,000 concentration camps. These horrifying concentration camps are facilities were designed to kill and enforce labor on the Jews. The labor includes working machinery, airplanes, and separating materials. Many inmates include German Communist, Socialist, Social Democrats, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Roma. All of these camps are located mostly within Germany. Everyday, thousands of fearful Jews are being killed by exhaustion, starvation, and even the crematory. Nazi doctors performed medical experiments which caused many Jews to die a painful death. Many of these death camps are developing due to Germany’s growing need for workers. At the camps, examination tests occur in which the SS exam
85 years ago, over a 12 year period, nearly six million Jews were killed in a genocide called The Holocaust. The Holocaust was led by the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler was their leader. The mass murders took place at concentration camps throughout Europe. The majority of concentration camps resided in Poland and Germany. Many people believe there were only a few concentration camps. “However, researchers found that the Nazis had actually established 20,000 camps between 1933 and 1945” (“How Many Camps,” n.d.). In this paper I will be discussing the largest concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau.
During the Holocaust era, Jews were mandated to leave their houses against their own accord and move into ghettos. After staying in the ghettos for a while, they were moved to concentration camps; a place where they were tortured to work or die. Out of the numerous concentration camps established by Hitler and the Germans, Auschwitz and Dachau were the most popular. The first camp built by the Germans was Dachau. However, Auschwitz was the largest of all the camps. Auschwitz was composed of three camps that made Jews work under forced labor. These camps were located west of Krakow, by Upper Silesia. The camps that Auschwitz was made up of were called Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II, and Auschwitz III by the Nazis. Statically proven, one million and three hundred thousand people had
<br>The Holocaust is the most horrifying crime against humanity of all times. "Hitler, in an attempt to establish the pure Aryan race, decided that all mentally ill, gypsies, non supporters of Nazism, and Jews were to be eliminated from the German population.He proceeded to reach his goal in a systematic scheme." One of his main methods of "doing away" with these "undesirables" was through the use of concentration camps. "In January 1941, in a meeting with his top officials, the 'final solution' was decided". The Jewish population was to be eliminated. In this paper I will discuss concentration camps with a detailed description of the worst one prior to World War II, Buchenwald.
Despite the Nazis best attempt to destroy their lives and strip away all their humanity, the Jews still found a way to resist the oppression and fight back. Their were often uprisings in the ghettos and camps, where the Jews would use all they could and fight the Nazi soldiers for their freedom. Today I will be talking about the Auschwitz Birkenau Uprising.
In only six years, two-thirds of an entire race, plus millions more, were shot, gassed, or starved to death. Anyone who was deemed “racially inferior or politically dangerous” was sent to one of many in the camps system. Among these groups were the physically or mentally handicapped, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Jews, Gypsies, Poles and Soviet prisoners of war, and Communists (Berenbaum par. 1-2). Millions of innocent people were sent to camps where they were killed or forced to work for the German cause until they died.
There were more than 40,000 concentration camps during the Holocaust. One of the worst and most destructive camp was Auschwitz, which was located in southern Poland (“Gilbert” 1). It contained three camps that were all known as Auschwitz. Auschwitz was a death camp and a concentration camp that claimed the lives of thousands. Survivors say that when the doors first open on the boxcar at Auschwitz there was an orchestra playing, this was to trick the prisoners into thinking there were somewhere better (“The Death Camps” 21). Physician Gisella Perl described the overall picture of Auschwitz she received when she first arrived as “Like big, black clouds, the smoke of the crematory hung over the camp. Sharp red tongues of flame licked the sky,
Other know as Death camps or Extermination camps the Concentration camps have a horrible reputation. This was all for good reason. These camps housed people that were thought to be a danger to the German society. These prisoners were usually abused mentally and physically, they were held under extreme circumstances. The people in these camps were captured and detained without any trial or standard procedures applying to arrest and custody. The prisoners in these camps often had differing opinions on religions and practices. Other prisoners in the camps were prostitutes, homosexuals, alcoholics, drug addicts, the mentally ill, the blind, the deaf, convicts, democrats. For all of these ‘crimes’ they were sentenced death or a life of imprisonment.
Now around 1934 there were at least over fifty-five concentration camps, but every camp had a different purpose, one purpose could be could be how they transport them to others camps to do forced labor and other would trap them into a little cave where they made sure there everything was in its right order. You had camps that were alongside the railroad, then you had some that were in the middle of nowhere. The condition were so traumatizing that the Nazis kept telling the Jews to have hope. The Nazis enjoy making them suffers. One of the largest concentration camp was the Auschwitz, it came about on April 27, 1940. It was a death camp. They were giving little food and would get a whipping if they didn’t follow orders. You have people who
Jewish Prisoners were often taken to concentration camps to receive deadly punishments. “where persons were incarcerated without observation of the standard norms applying to arrest and custody; labor camps; prisoner of war camps; transit camps; and camps which served as killing centers, often called extermination camps or death camps”(Concentration Camps in Depth). The Jews went through many hardships in these camps where they awaited their punishments. They
The Holocaust was a horrific genocide that occured before and throughout World War II. This massacre was led by Adolf Hitler, a German politician who soon became the leader of the Nazi party. This genocide included specifically torturing innocent Jews and whoever got in the Nazis’ way. Unfortunately, this caused about eighteen million deaths overall.
These camps were where Jews were forced to live and work. In these camps, there were harsh conditions, forced labor, no rights, and forced murder. The term ‘concentration camp’ is used as a general term for all Nazi camps, but there are many other types of camps. The majority of these camps have been destroyed by the Nazis to try and hide war crimes and crimes against humanity. “The first concentration camps in Germany were set up as detention centers to stop any opposition to the Nazis by so called ‘enemies of the state’. These people included communists, socialists and social democrats, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, Roma, and so called ‘asocials’.”
It’s about the jews and how and what happened to them after the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the time where about six million jews and one million other people dying. Most people were killed because they belonged to different races and religions. The Nazis wanted to kill people that weren’t from their same religious group. The Nazis also killed people who disrespected Hitler. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party.
Megan Jehlicka November 12th, 2015 6th hour A Day In The Life At Auschwitz Introduction – First Paragraph Sentence 1: Concentration camps are places where prisoners are forced to do labor or wait for their death, and Auschwitz was one of them during the Holocaust. Sentence 2: Hitler came to power and Jews were forced out of their homes by Nazis and taken to concentration camps, with many people being sent to Auschwitz. Sentence 3: At the camp, people were treated against their human rights and forced to live in unpleasant and unsanitary conditions.
In 1944, medical doctor Miklos Nyiszli, a Hungarian Jew and family man, arrived at the Auschwitz camp in Poland. In an effort to stay alive after being separated from his daughter and wife—though he feared his days would soon be counted—he volunteered to work as a pathologist under Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele. Working under the supervision of a Nazi superior meant one became Sonderkommando. As a Sonderkommando, one had the privilege to wear civilian clothes and receive better meals. Hence, working for Dr. Mengele, Dr. Nyiszli had certain privileges other Jewish prisoners did not obtain.
Known as one of the most horrific events in history, World War II (WW2) caused tremendous adversity and suffering amongst the lives of people across the globe. However, what is most concerning about the war, was what happened behind closed doors, specifically within Germany. The Holocaust is still considered one the worst ethnic cleansing attacks in the world. Although there is an endless amount of research and hard evidence of the Holocaust occurring, certain groups of individuals strongly reject it. Known as “Holocaust Denial”, this conspiracy theory has always been personally intriguing due to several reasons and will be analyzed more thoroughly.