
Guernica In Picasso And The Life Of Pablo Picasso

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In the midst of political disparity in Spain between Nationalists and the Spanish Republic there was a great act of terror. In a time when no combat had been seen since that first world war, an act of unprovoked horror rained upon the small town of Guernica in northern Spain. The act of intimidation was taking with disgust in the eye of Picasso, which enacted his artistic statement. Guernica in Picasso’s artistic life represented his sentiments on terror and his people. Pablo Picasso was born a Spaniard in the city of Malaga in 1881 to a professor of drawing, Jose Ruiz and Maria Picasso. Pablo was naturally artistically talented and by the age of thirteen he had surpassed the abilities of his father. By sixteen he had made a name for himself after being awarded an honorable mention in a Fine Arts Exhibition in Madrid. In the following years, Picasso suffered from the loss of close friend, Carlos Casagemas, which strongly impacted his work. Marilyn McCully, a biographical author, claimed that the death of Casagemas gave Picasso, “the emotional experience and the material that would stimulate the powerful expressiveness of the works of the so-called Blue Period” (1). Picasso’s Blue Period is noted for its blue color and its characteristic expressive nature. In the works of Picasso’s Blue Period there is a common theme of strong emotional sorrow and reflection which is relative to the artistic impact described by McCully. After moving permanently to Paris, Picasso found new

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