
Pablo Picasso : Family Of Saltimbanques During The Rose Period

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From the time periods of late1904 to early 1906, Pablo Picasso, one of the most renowned oil painters in history, explored the theme of Saltimbanques upon his canvas medium during his famous Rose Period. Previously, Picasso suffered from depression, which resulted in the era known as the Blue Period, but in 1904, Picasso met Fernande Olivier, who some speculate was the transition from his Blue Period to Rose Period. During the Rose Period, Picasso’s used of warm color oil paints, primarily pink, highlighted the artistic style of Saltimbanques as he depicted circus performers, harlequins, and acrobats that he observed when living in France. For much of his artwork, “Picasso’s eye would also require the stimulus of a visual experience,” and for him, the idea of being visually stimulated by circuses, caught his attention. In order to gather inspiration, Picasso would frequently visit the Cirque Médrano in Montmartre so that both his mind and eyes could be visually stimulated. As his infatuation with Saltimbanques increased, he dedicated a series to them and in 1905, he created his most famous painting of the Rose Period “Family of Saltimbanques.” This painting, standing at 7x8 ft, was considered to be the biggest painting ever produced by Picasso. Using these influences, Picasso was able to create his most impressive works of the Rose Period, “Family of Saltimbanques.” It is six people in a barren landscape, sad, maybe distraught of what their future holds. They could have

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